面對知識經濟時代的來臨,帶動整體競爭環境的改變,企業必須以快速的步調完成創新,而知識在此成為一重要的關鍵,唯有能快速取得知識、管理知識、使用知識並且轉知識為成功的新產品與技術的企業,才能夠在知識經濟下競爭生存。社會資本正是一個獲取知識的最佳管道;一方面,企業可透過與顧客、供應商與競爭者等所形成之事業網絡作為立基點,與關係網絡中的廠商建立頻繁的互動、共同的目標與信任關係,來藉此累積社會資本,並獲取豐碩的知識;另一方面,藉由不斷地累積知識的基礎,進而提高自身進行知識探索的能力,並運用這些知識基礎轉化成新的產品與技術,增加企業創新的能力。 本研究站在知識獲取者的角色上,以企業與供應商、顧客和競爭者間形成的事業網絡為基礎,來探討企業如何從此關係網絡中,藉由社會互動、關係品質與關係網絡廠商的網絡連結度三大構面來累積社會資本,增加對於知識的獲取,並且運用這些知識來促進知識探索活動的進行。在研究對象上,本研究選定具備高度知識含量的科技產業,並以台灣具代表性的資訊與半導體產業為樣本來進行研究,運用問卷調查法共回收100份有效問卷。研究方法方面,為避免變數間的共線性與檢驗中介變數的效果,故採用線性結構方程式來進行假設的驗證,同時更進行多個模型優劣性的比較,並以此檢驗知識獲取是否為社會資本與知識探索間的中介因素。 根據實證結果發現,企業確實可將社會資本作為獲取知識的來源,因此必須妥善管理與運用,並利用槓桿效應將由關係網絡所得之知識的效益發揮到極致,此外更可透過這些知識的累積以提升新產品的發展,建立技術特色,並在面對高度不確定的環境下,掌握環境中的技術機會,以成為知識經濟贏者圈的一員。 In a Knowledge Economic Era, firms have to face the challenge of the ever-changing competitive environment. Whoever can get knowledge quickly, manage, assimilate and turn into new products and technologies will become the winners. Social capital has been the best channel to acquire knowledge. On one hand, the firms can accumulate social capital and obtain knowledge from the network. On the other hand, with the increase of the knowledge base, firms will be able to improve their ability of knowledge exploitation to set technology distinctiveness as well as to have better new product developments. This research investigated the relationship of social capital, knowledge acquisition and knowledge exploitation in information technology (IT) industries. The influences of knowledge receiver of the research, and the network of customers, suppliers, and competitor were also studied. The results of this study suggest that (1) social capital is exactly the effective channel of getting knowledge. (2) knowledge is positive to knowledge exploitation that can facilitate new product development and set technology distinctiveness.(3) knowledge acquisition is the moderator of social capital and knowledge exploitation.