卡通人物在電視廣告中的運用已行之有年,更成為近年來的一種趨勢,然 而在其討喜的特性下,是不是一定能事半功倍的宣傳效果。有高達40%以上的美 國消費者,會將永備電池的能量兔(Energizer Buzzy)認為是在替金頂電池宣傳 (Liesse 1990),在此種品牌混淆的狀況下,卡通代言人(Spokescharacters)的 運用反而造成了反效果。 因此本研究主要探討,如何在利用卡通人物討喜性的同時,又能避免品牌辨 識不清的現象,而實驗結果證實: 無論是卡通代言人的名稱、外觀或配樂,當 其中一項特徵與品牌名稱產生有意義的連結時,皆能增加品牌名稱的回憶度,因 此廣告人應注意角色設計上除了討喜外,也別忽略加入相關特徵,以降低品牌混 淆的情況產生。 Cartoon characters had been used on TV commercial films for many years and gone after men of power. However, can they yield twice the result with half the effort by their satisfactory-looking? Duracell contents that up to 40 percent of consumers who recall the initial bunny campaign believe it is promoting Duracell, not Energizer (Liesse 1990). However, on this situation, using Spokescharacters have caused negative effect. The purpose of this article is to find the methods that advertisers can use the satisfactory-looking of Spokescharacters to attract consumers and avoid brand name confusion. Our results suggest that there is a meaningful connection between one of Spokescharacters' characteristics including their appearance, background music, and names and brand names can increase memory of brand names. For this reason,, advertisers design Spokescharacters must pay attention not only on their satisfactory-looking but also meaningful connection to decrease confusing situations.