本研究以領導與部屬交換關係理論觀點,探討領導行為是否會對於員工的組織公民行為產生影響,並討論員工對上司信任程度以及員工所知覺到上司支持度之中介影響。本研究採問卷調查,以便利抽樣方式進行資料蒐集,以「醫學中心及區域醫院護士及護理長」為調查樣本,得到200組有效樣本。研究的實證結果如下: 1、領導與部屬交換關係品質會正向影響部屬對直屬上司的信任程度。 2、領導與部屬交換關係品質會正向影響部屬所知覺到上司支持度。 3、部屬對直屬上司的信任會正向影響該部屬的組織公民行為。 4、部屬知覺的上司支持會正向影響其組織公民行為。 5、領導與部屬交換關係品質會透過部屬對直屬上司的信任程度之中介而正向影響部屬的組織公民行為。 6、領導與部屬交換關係品質會透過部屬知覺的上司支持之中介而正向影響部屬的組織公民行為。 Based on the perspective of leader-member exchange (LMX), this study investigated the relationships between leadership and subordinates’ organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) via the mediations of trust and perceived supervisor’s support. The findings are as follows: 1. LMX quality has a positive effect on subordinates’ trust toward the supervisor. 2. LMX quality has a positive effect on subordinates’ perception of supervisor’s support. 3. Subordinates’ trust toward the supervisor is positively related to his/her OCB. 4. Subordinates’ perception of supervisor’s support is positively related to his/ her OCB. ?. LMX quality has a positive effect on subordinates’ OCB via the mediation of trust. 6. LMX quality has a positive effect on subordinates’ OCB via the mediation of perceived supervisor’s support.