近數年來,從愈來愈多的報章媒體的宣傳報導,可以發現到企業組織與非營利慈善公益團體共同為特定的社會公益目的,在商品行銷中附帶勸募慈善捐款的為,刻正與日俱增的進行著,此種結合了企業與非營利組織的新興行銷方式稱之為善因行銷(CRM;Cause-related Marketing)。 本論文探討的是「善因行銷」的整個流程,從一開使的接觸、規劃等,到完成活動,於是研究者便把這樣的「善因行銷」整個流程探討研究命名為「善因管理」,意謂著管理整個善因行銷的各流程、細節探討。因此,本研究擬從非營利組織的的角度,暸解其採行善因行銷的經驗,並探討其採行善因行銷的決策過程、評估方式、對非營利組織的影響、優缺點以及未來可能作法,從中研判出具體可行的善因行銷行為方式。 研究結果發現,採行善因行銷的起源多由企業主動。合作企業的通路效果及媒體效應、豐富的資源、知名度及公益形象、雙方的理念或業務是否可以結合是決定合作對象的考慮因素。評估活動成效的指標為發卡數與合作對象的回饋金額。實質效果是資金來源穩定、結合企業資源、知名度提升、社會教育。負面效果是組織彈性的降低。網路行銷將是未來行銷募款的新趨勢。 Recent years, we can find business enterprise and nonprofit organization coporation for same society goodness from more news paper promote and report. This way called cause-related marketing that combined business and nonprofit organization marketing type. The paper focus on “Cause-related Marketing” all step, from starting, touching, planning… etc, to ending the activities, so we call that “Cause-related Management”. And we focus on nonprofit organization to understand that experience, steps, evalution, effection, advantage, disadvantage, and for future. We can find that adapt “Cause-related Marketing” origin is business enterprise more. Business enterprise’s resource, famous degree is cause to corporate. Activities success degree is activities dollar. True effect is capital from, combined business resource, society education. Weak effect is organization activities down. Internet marketing is new wave for marketing on future.