本研究分析出版業的現況與困境,並針對出版業提出新的經營模式,以期改善出版業之困境。本研究利用價值鏈分析指出出版業不同的加值環節,並將不同出版內容之價值鏈加以整合,得到整體出版業之價值鏈。透過策略草圖的應用,分析價值鏈中各個環節之複雜程度,發現在加值端與通路端出版業價值鏈的複雜程度最高。針對這兩者提出新的商業模式。提出之新商業模式為數位內容平台,數位內容平台包括三項重要功能:內容創作、出版資訊流通與版權交易。其中內容創作功能可提供互動創作之平台,出版資訊流通可提供廠商或個人對於出版資訊的查詢與利用,版權交易則提供各項內容使用之授權範圍與方式,三者互相整合利用可解決目前出版業所遇到盜版與銷售不佳的困境,有效改善出版業之現況。 This research analyzes publishing industry, and proposes a new business model to solve the problem of publishing industry face. The strategy canvas is used to analysis and integrate the publishing industries’ the different kinds of value chain. After analyzing the complicate level of the value chain, value-add part and marketing part are found to be the most complicate level part of publishing industry. These two parts are focused and a new business model digital content platform is built. The digital content platform includes three important functions: content creation, publishing information circulation, and right trading. The digital content platform combining these three parts can solve the problem of publishing industry have faced and can angainst the piracy problem to inprove the current situation.