本研究之主要目的:一為探討消費者感官中,觸覺、視覺與刺激順序(先看再摸與先摸再看)對產品態度之影響;二為分別探討功能性產品與享樂性產品,產品資訊(本研究指實體產品及有無產品圖片資訊)及文字敘述(本研究指有關產品之理性文字敘述及感性文字敘述)對產品態度之影響。 研究方法採實驗設計。實驗一驗證目的一,主要題材為布料,控制項為實驗環境及感受時間,操弄項為布料好壞與刺激順序;實驗二驗證目的二,主要題材為掃把和鑽石,在可觸摸產品與不可觸摸產品的情況下,分別操弄不同產品資訊及文字敘述。 本研究發現如下: 一、消費者感官中之觸覺與視覺對消費者產品態度有顯著影響,但只要觸覺與視覺其中一個感受為佳,消費者對此產品之態度不會有太大的差異。 二、觸覺搭配兩種感官(觸覺與視覺)刺激的先後順序不同對產品態度之影響,可知若為先看再摸且為觸感好,消費者對產品的態度最佳;視覺搭配兩種感官(觸覺與視覺)刺激的先後順序不同對產品態度之影響無差異。 三、對於功能性商品,提供理性文字敘述消費者對產品態度優於提供感性文字敘述。 四、對於享樂性商品,不論是實體、產品圖片與無圖片下,消費者對產品態度有顯著差異。且提供感性文字敘述消費者對產品態度優於提供理性文字敘述。 針對研究結果,建議行銷人員,在做無店鋪銷售時可多加考慮產品類別,並可給予消費者適當的相關資訊,以使消費者對產品態度更佳,進而增加消費者購買意願。 There are two main purposes of this research.The first purpose is the effect of tactile sense, visual sense and order of stimulation on the product attitude.The second purpose is the effect of product information and written description on the product attitude of utilitarian product and hedonic product individually. This research is adopted experimental design as research method and there are two experiments in this research..Experiment I : To test the quality of fabric and the order of stimulation by controlling the experiment environment and the affecting time. The main material of this experiment is fabric.Experiment II: Under the difference between touchable product and untouchable product, to control different product information and the literature description on the product. The main materials of this experiment are brooms and diamonds. The research findings are as follows: 1. The effect of tactile sense , vision and order of stimulation on the product attitude is significant. 2. The effect of order of stimulation matched by tactile sense on the product attitude is significant; the effect of order of stimulation matched by vision on the product attitude is not significant. 3. About utilitarian product, providing rational written description is better than perceptual written description. 4. About hedonic product, providing perceptual written description is better than rational written description.