當經營模式的活動越多,活動間的影響關係越複雜,要瞭解其經營模式的內涵越不容易。故本研究嘗試以因果脈絡圖來分析經營模式,以更簡化和視覺化的方式來呈現經營模式,並使用Nvivo分析軟體來輔助紮根分析過程,同時也利用Pajek軟體幫助分析經營模式的網絡關係。 本研究考量不同的經營模式類型會造成經營模式結構特徵上的差異,因此在研究過程中以仲介角色和其他的社會網路分析的指標來辦識三種不同的經營模式。而這三種不同的經營模式包含段落玩家模型、市場製造者模型、指揮家模型,本研究透過逐一檢討各經營模式類型的結構特徵得知不同經營模式類型的差異。 When a fiim has a lot of business activities and the business activies’ relationship that is more complicated, it is difficult to understand the intension on a firm’s business model. This research attempts to use causal map to anlysis business model, and causal map can be simplified and visual for the business model. This research will use Nvivo soft ware to assistant the cycle of ground research. In addition, we also use Pajek soft ware to develop the network map of business model. Due to different business models have different structural properties of business model. Therefore we used brokerage roles, secondary structure hole, and other social network analysis index to identify the three type of business models.The three type of business models include Layer Player model, Market Maker model and Orchestrator model. Then we will review every business model in order to understand the differences between each business model.