摘要: | 在全球化與網絡經濟下,廠商間關係的建立與維持日趨重要。而在現實的狀況中,廠商間權力不對稱的情況總是占大多數,因此本論文站在弱勢的供應商角度,以廠商間相互依賴程度-其包含總依賴與權力不對稱兩構面-的影響,來分析較弱勢的供應商(賣方)是否會對較強勢的廠商(買方)做「專屬性投資」。專屬性投資指的是這種投資的利用是很難或無法轉換到其他廠商的,例如特定用途的機台、專屬的廠房位置等等;專屬性投資的利益則在「關係觀點」的角度下被曾廣泛的探討與驗證。此外,在廠商的互動中,過去研究發現信任與承諾乃是在維持長期買賣關係的關鍵因素,但信任與承諾如何影響專屬性投資則很少被提及,本研究將廠商間的信任提出成為中介構面,以了解其對專屬性投資的影響;並且試買方的承諾為權利不對稱影響信任下的干擾因素。其後,用應因素分析與線性迴歸做為分析方法,並利用路徑分析來檢定研究之假說。 實證分析針對台灣高科技業製造商之銷售相關人員,採用電子郵件、郵寄等方式進行問卷調查,共發出411份問卷。經催收與整理後,共得有效問卷108份,有效問卷回收率達26.27%。應用迴歸取向之路徑分析的實證結果為,模型中的5條假說,在α<0.05下,有3條假說獲得支持,2條關於信任部份中介假說不被支持。結果顯示廠商間的依賴關係(總依賴)必須透過信任的完全中介而對專屬性投資有正向影響;另一方面,在沒有買方承諾下,權力不對稱將會對信任有負向影響,但若有買方承諾,其將會舒緩權力不對稱的壓力,進而對信任有正向影響。 經假說檢定與分析後,本研究建議當強勢的一方想要使較弱勢的一方對己方投資專屬性資產時,應先給予承諾,例如長期的合作關係或未來的訂單等,來強化對方的信任程度,進而提高專屬性投資的機率。另一方面,本研究亦證實信任與承諾在廠商間相互依賴對專屬性投資有著重要、顯著的正向影響效果。 Having the ability to mention the relationship with important partners in the network economy, a firm’s capability will be greatly strengthened. However, power asymmetries usually exist in interorganizational relationships, supplier firms are often more vulnerable than powerful firms. Then, as power asymmetry exists between firms, why do some vulnerable suppliers, such as the suppliers of Japanese automakers, have willingness to investment specific assets? Moreover, trust plays an important role in buyer-supplier relationship, but the relation among interdependence, trust and relationship-specific investments is not known clearly. In this research, the author focuses on specific assets investments of firms with the relational view and the concept of interdependence, and discusses specific assets investments in buyer-supplier relationship with the perspective of vulnerable supplier. On the other hand, effects of trust and buyer’s commitment are considered at the same time. For the survey, 411 survey questionnaires were mailed to the targeted firms’ sales managers, sales assistants or product managers by using e-mail and fax. The response rate is amounted to 26.27%. After collecting the responded questionnaires, the data will be analyzed by factor analysis and linear regression. The results indicate the mediating role of trust in relationship-specific investment. In another word, joint dependence has an impact on relationship-specific investments, but the impact is indirect. Furthermore, this research finds empirical evidence that the buyer’s commitment can ease the worry of high dependence asymmetry. The higher the level of buyer’s commitment, the higher the positive impact of dependence asymmetry on trust exists. |