本篇論文係以管理學理論為基礎,重新詮釋、解析韓非子之哲學,藉以整理出其對於管理之看法。韓非係中國首位以系統觀念看待國家社會之哲學家,迥異於其他重視個人道德之哲學家,韓非發展出以現實、客觀為根本要件之管理程序,而此種程序亦深植中國人內心,成為中國人所特有之一種管理內涵。 韓非之法、勢、術,並非係由其自身所創,而係由前人所獨自建構之概念,也 正因為其係各自為用,故皆有其各自之缺失。時至韓非始將此三者合併,建構出一套完整之管理模式。 由於韓非之時空背景影響,其學說之目標不在於獨創新的學派,而係綜合融會前人之所學,形成一套實用的方法,故於詮釋韓非子之管理哲學時,不可或忘的是如何在現實能夠落實,而非僅係一個理想而不可及之境界。 Hanfeizi constructs management of Chinese style, using three elements, including rule, controlling power and dominance. Chinese philosophy is different to Western philosophy, it is not to deal with precise theme but finding the answer of every thing about daily life. Life is inseparable. Every person, affair, object has connection to another. The same principle still works in management. For hermeneutics, we are not to explan but to understand. Before we give final conclusion, must sure that we have eliminate our subjective. We must analysis relative backaround about Hanfei, and do not think why Hanfei say so. Because we can’t understand what the others thinking, so, we should compare the content and the situation, to find out real utility.