自從80年代開始,企業導入電子化流程,間接造成辦公室自動化軟體的興起,大部份的公司都採用Office軟體進行資料與文件的處理。不約而同的,辦公室軟體的主要兩大團體OpenOffice.org與Microsoft Office,皆在近期推出以XML為主體的資料儲存方式,逐漸形成格式的標準。但是資料的特點仍未妥善處理,當存取的數目增加,同一類型的主題,可能因為人為因素的閱讀與存取而產生不同的版本,這些文件的歷史版本之間,也許只存在著微小的差異,但在儲存時卻是個別獨立的檔案,除了會耗費儲存空間,對於未來的資訊檢索,也會造成不必要的麻煩。 所以本研究在於妥善運用XML文件開放式儲存架構的特性,發展出處理跨版本文件的演算法,尋求高效率的儲存方式。除了可節省辦公室文件的空間儲存,更要能維持其完整性。其在管理上對企業的意涵即為,對企業內部的電子化文件作最有效率的管理,且每一份文件所包含的訊息仍需保留,達到資料可再用性的特點。 Since the beginning of 1980, there had been great changes in processing data and documents. Office applications such as OpenOffice.org and Microsoft office are widely used to do everything you expect from your needs. Because of more and more requirements of information exchange and retrieve, XML becomes a standard in doing this way. With the adoption of using XML in both office application groups, the abilities for efficient storing historical office documents are become a growing issue. This paper introduces an efficient way to process multi-version XML documents. It is not only effective storage space need but also keeping the integral of original documents. It minimizes the change of data values or structures transmutation of historical XML documents. The purpose is to well-managed electronic documents for enterprises and all the messages were involved in should be preserved.