隨著科技的日新月異,數位學習已經逐漸成為學習的新方式。相較於傳統課堂學習,數位學習使得教學活動可以不受時間與空間的限制,擴大知識傳授的普及與便利。目前我國公私部門皆開始採用數位學習做為教育訓練的方式,然而,由於公部門在導入數位學習前期,缺乏完善規劃,各單位在建置數位學習平台建多屬自行購買,同時又因缺乏交流互通機制,造成課程重覆開發、資源浪費以及整合上之困難。 本研究透過自然主義研究之質性研究法,實際訪談17家已建置數位學習網站之公部門單位,希冀了解我國公部門在學習環境構面與教育管理構面下進行資源整合的可能性與困難點,而提出一套完整的整合方式,提供公部門作為整合數位學習資源之參考。 本研究最後建議政府以共同平台之方式進行整合,此方式可由制度面與技術面兩方向著手。制度面透過標準化的過程,將評鑑、績效、學習時數認證等統一標準;技術面則是投入經費開發共同平台。透過這樣的方式,達成政府整合數位學習資源之目的。 With the change of science and technology, e-Learning has become a new way of learning. The departments of the public and private sectors in our country have begun to adopt e-Learning as educational and training way, the public departments lack integrity plan at the earlier stage, which resulted in the chaotic consequences in platform, course development and resource integration. 17 prople from the departments of public were interviewed. This research used Naturalistic paradigm to explore the possibility and difficulty of the departments of public when they integrate E-learning resource. The findings suggested that the government the E-learning platforms based on the system and technological perspectives. In them of system perspective, the government can unify the evaluation, performance, e-Learning hour standard certificate through the standardized process. In term of technological sperspective, the government should invest the funds to develop the common platform. Through this way, the government can reach the purpose of integrating e-learning resources.