「撞衫」指的是「一種與他人在外觀上有某種程度相似甚至相同的狀況」,是一種人們在日常生活中就會遇到的狀況。本研究為了解消費者不同情境下撞衫所造成的態度改變,提出各種變數加以驗證。除了「產品的價格」與「撞衫對象社會地位」這兩個撞衫必要條件外,本研究加入「預期服飾的有無」、「旁觀者的熟識度高低」兩項情境變數,與「宜人性」、「消費者的獨特性需求」、「獨特性意識」、「歸屬感需求」、「安全感需求」五項人格特質去衡量對態度的影響。 本研究採調查研究法,利用網路發放問卷,回收有效樣本數共538份。以產品價格(高、低)和撞衫對象的社會地位(高、低)為基礎,實驗一搭配預期服飾(有、無),實驗二搭配旁觀者的熟識度(高、低),共十六組進行情境操弄與人格特質衡量,並就回收資料進行?述統計、變異數分析和集群分析。研究結果顯示產品價格對消費者在撞衫後產品態度有顯著影響,產品價格越高對產品的態度越好;撞衫對象的社會地位則對產品態度的影響不顯著。干擾變數方面,預期服飾和旁觀者的熟識度無論是主效果或是與價格、撞衫對象社會地位的交互效果皆不顯著;人格特質方面,除宜人性外,消費者獨特性需求、獨特性意識、歸屬感需求、安全感需求四干擾變數對產品態度主效果皆顯著,而與價格、撞衫對象社會地位交互作用多不顯著,顯示消費者的人格特質就足以影響撞衫後對產品的態度,而受外在環境影響較小。 "Dress Duplication" means "the condition that people wear the clothing very much alike (or even exact the same as) others'," and is commonly happened in our daily lives. In order to understand the influences of different scenarios on consumers' attitude toward products, the author added "expected costume" and "familiarity of spectators" two scenarios, and "Agreeableness", "Consumers' Need for Uniqueness", "Awareness of Uniqueness", "Need for Belonging", and "Need for Security" five personality traits, besides "prices of the clothing" and "social status of the dress duplicated person," into this research. Two studies are both conducted through the Internet: study 1 examines the effect of "expected costume" and study 2 examines the effect of "familiarity of spectators." The findings of this research show that (a) people tend to be influenced mainly by prices of the clothing, no matter the social status of people who wear the same clothing is high or low, and (b) most personality traits examined in this research can mainly affect people's attitude without causing interactions with outer environment variables.