企業基於降低成本的考量,通常會將物流等非企業的核心能力予以外包,所以近年來第三方物流供應商逐漸興起。而企業在遴選第三方物流供應商時面臨了效能與效率抵換關係的決擇。所以建構一個符合潮流的物流供應商選遴選模型,就成了企業遴選第三方物流供應商時一個很重要的依據。 研究發現一般經理人在選擇第三方物流供應商時還是以傳統的組織績效為其主要的考量。另外,綠色物流的重要性大於逆向物流,這顯示企業比較願意透過物流的方法來降低對環境的衝擊,而不單的只是透過減少浪費來降低對環境的影響。 Allow for cost reduction, enterprises always outsourcing the non-core competencies like logistics. Therefore, the third logistics provider developed gradually in recent. Enterprises faced a choice between effectiveness and efficiency. Thus, constructing a logistics provider choosing model in trend is an important basis for enterprises. The studies indicated that a manager always base on organizational performance for main consideration on choosing the third logistics provider. Besides, the green logistics is more important than the reverse logistics. These showed enterprises prefer to use logistics to reduce the impact on environment, not just reduce waste.