在 2007 年以前,台灣女性內衣市場的主要領導品牌–華歌爾與黛安芬仍維持其在市場的領導地位。但是從 2007 年開始,各個以「來自歐洲」或者「歐式風格」為號召的女性內衣品牌異軍突起,卻重挫了華歌爾和黛安芬的年度銷售額,在短短一年間使兩個龍頭品牌的市佔率大幅下滑。 本研究正是在此一現象下,欲了解台灣女性內衣廠商在主流品牌來源國註冊,並以該品牌名義將女性內衣產品銷回台灣的經營模式,以及此經營模式之可行性探討。 本研究採用探索性的個案研究法,在選定數個研究對象後,接著進行個案訪談與相關資料的蒐集,以討論本研究主張的經營模式的可行性。研究結果發現,(1)受訪的個案公司中若本身已具備自有品牌之營運經驗,皆認為本研究所提出的經營模式具有相當高的可行性。(2)本研究發現不論是成衣廠商或代理商,皆認為女性內衣的主流品牌來源國應為法國。 此一研究發現除了能對台灣女性內衣業者的自有品牌之路有所助益,並為自有品牌的落實等相關議題,提供新的思考方向與啟發。 It was not until year 2007 the two leading lingerie brand of Taiwan – Wacoal and Triumph, lost their market share dramatically. During year 2007, numerous “Europe-originated” or “European style” brands entered into the market and stroked the two leading brands’ annual market share ever since. This study investigates the phenomenon mentioned above, figuring out the business models and the feasibilities that lingerie enterprises of Taiwan can apply to, as registering their own brand in countries of origins of lingerie main stream brands. The thesis uses case study method. After selecting a few cases, it begins interviewing and collecting the resources relevant, all of which is to discuss the business model and its feasibility. The result indicates that (1) companies with own brand operating experiences will regard the business model as a high feasible one, and (2) all the companies in the study see France as the country of origin of lingerie brand, no matter the company operates as a distributor or a manufacturer.