近年來有許多的學者對於高績效人力資源管理活動的議題進行研究,但多數在探討高績效人力資源管理活動對於組織績效的影響,而較少在高績效人力資源管理活動與員工行為的關聯性上進行研究,特別又以組織的員工彈性氣候做為兩者的中介角色。 有鑑於此,本研究以員工彈性氣候做為中介變項,探討高績效人力資源管理活動與服務型組織公民行為之關連性。本研究以某大型的跨國連鎖速食集團位於台灣之餐廳進行研究,一共針對250間餐廳進行問卷發放,每間分店發放一份由店長填答之高績效人力資源管理活動問卷,及三份由第一線服務人員填答之組織彈性感知與服務型組織公民行為問卷,在高績效人力資源管理活動的部分一共回收166份有效樣本,並在組織彈性感知與服務型組織公民行為的部分取得485份有效樣本進行配對分析,研究結果如下: 1.高績效人力資源管理活動的最佳實務觀點有助於服務型組織公民行為的產生。 2.高績效人力資源管理活動的最佳實務觀點有助於組織內部員工彈性氣候的提升。 3.組織內部員工彈性氣候有助於服務型組織公民行為的產生。 4.組織內部員工彈性氣候能完全中介高績效人力資源管理活動的最佳實務觀點與服務型組織公民行為的關係。Although a large number of studies have discussed the topic of high performance work practices (HPWPs), relatively little is known about the relationship between HPWPs and employees’ behaviors, especially through the mediating process of the climate of internal labor flexibility. In this study, we hypothesize that HPWPs are positively related to service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs), and that their relationship is mediated by aggregated employees’ perception of internal labor flexibility (ILF). Data for the research were collected in Taiwan from the restaurants of one leading global foodservice retailer. We obtained data on HPWPs from the restaurant managers, and those on the climate of internal labor flexibility and service-oriented OCBs from the restaurant customer contact clerks. The hypotheses in this research were addressed using hierarchical multiple regression, and results showed that ILF climate can completely mediate the relationship between HPWPs and service-oriented OCBs. Implications and directions for future research and managerial implications are discussed in the end.