本論文主要目的彙整過去相關文獻的研究發現,藉由問卷調查及統計分析的結果,驗證員工之功能彈性態度對自身僱用能力的相關性,並以工作投入為中介變項進行討論。本研究之實證以石化產業之員工為研究對象,本研究共發放386份問卷,有效樣本數為307份,並且使用spss為驗證樣本的分析工具,並以相關分析與階層回歸分析檢驗各變項之間的關係。本研究之結論如下: 1. 員工之功能彈性態度對員工自身僱用能力有顯著影響,功能彈性越高者,會提高自身僱用能力。 2. 員工之功能彈性態度對員工工作投入有顯著影響,功能彈性態度越高者會提高自身工作投入。 3. 員工之工作投入對自身僱用能力有顯著影響,當員工投入越高者,其僱用能力越高 4. 工作投入對功能彈性態度與僱用能力之間具部分中介效果。The purpose of this study is to collect the related literatures and examine the relationships between the attitudes toward functional flexibility attitude and employability, Job involvement as the mediator. Empirical research based on the employees of petroleum industry. A total of 386 questionnaires were delivered and 307 were valid. By using SPSS as an analysis tool to examine samples, correlation and hierarchical regression proves relationships between different variables. The finding of this study are as following: 1. Employees’ attitudes toward functional flexibility has a significant effect on employees’ employability. 2. Employees’ attitudes toward functional flexibility has a significant effect on employees’ job involvement. 3. Employees’ job involvement has a significant effect on employees’ employability. 4. The effects of attitudes toward functional flexibility on employability are partially mediated through job involvement.