當企業的績效評核制度存在不正確狀況時,不僅影響會員工的工作表現,同樣會對人力資源管理的效益產生影響。本研究針對績效評核不正確性可能產生負面影響的情況,設法找出企業得以預先因應的方式,希望得以藉此改善績效評核制度的問題。本研究提出透過賦予績效評核的考核者績效責任的方式,使考核者願意對於考核結果承擔責任,進而影響其績效評核之行為。此外,藉由參考架構訓練的進行,協助考核者評核出更正確的考核結果。最後,以整合的觀點,驗證考核者同時賦予績效責任與接受參考架構訓練下,能否對於考核品質產生正向影響。 本研究採取2(有無賦予績效責任)x2(有無接受參考架構訓練)的二因子實驗設計,並且募集一個完整個案公司實際參與績效評核工作的四十多位中高階主管為實驗參與的對象。研究結果發現,賦予考核者績效責任對月暈效果具有顯著的影響,接受參考架構訓練的考核者在考核正確度有顯著影響,當考核者同時承擔績效責任與接受參考架構訓練之下對寬容誤差有顯著影響。最後,本研究針對研究結果進行討論並對後續研究與實務管理提出具體可行的建議。If performance appraisal systems exists rating bias, it has negative effects on not only employees’ working incentive but also enterprises’ human resources practices. Therefore, it will affect the function of performance appraisal. In order to avoid the situation happened, the main focus on this study is to find out ways to improving the accuracy of performance rating, including raters’ accountability and frame of reference training. In this study, forty-four managers with performance appraisal experience form the hospital were assigned to accountability and no accountability condition and either FOR training and no FOR training. Results showed that when raters who were asked to take raters’ accountability provided less halo effect, and raters trained by FOR training provided higher rating accuracy. Furthermore, raters who were taken accountability and trained by FOR training provided less rating leniency. The study results also provide some empirical implications.