摘要: | 在職教導是一個日益受到注意及重視的管理技巧與制度,管理者在擔任導師角色時需擁有多元的技能,包含:傾聽、分析、面談、提問、觀察、回饋、溝通,以及創造舒適信任的環境 (King & Eaton, 1999;Marsh, 1992;Mobley, 1999;Zemke, 1996)。但是往往因為在時間上的壓力、缺乏誘因、角色模糊、短期需求、缺乏適當職能及組織缺乏學習氣候等因素造成發展上的阻礙(Goleman, 2000;Hunt & Weintraub, 2002;Redshaw, 2000;Talarico, 2002; Yarnall, 1998)。於是導師制 (mentoring)逐漸被接受,師徒關係對個人、組織均具有正面的影響,已經在多數研究中被證實。過去在企業中師徒關係多屬於非正式的關係,但是近年來越來越多國內外之企業將在職導師制納入公司正式的制度之中。而本研究主要想瞭解在職導師之現況,並探討制度完整之在職導師制度對於企業人力資源發展之影 響,希望能找出實施在職導師制度的關鍵指標,提供其他企業做為參考。 本研究利用質性研究方法,以三家實施在職導師制度之企業為研究對象,透過個案公司之深度訪談,並輔以國內、外相關文獻,企圖發現管理個案公司實施在職導師制度之現況與在職導師制度之目標,不僅為培訓新人,更可用來輔助其他制度,達到更重要的策略目標,知識技能傳承,實施在職導師制度對人力發展影響,除了工作滿意度、升遷機會滿意度、組織承諾、過程公平認知與離職傾向等態度。相較於沒有師父的員工,曾參與師徒關係者的工作機會較多,且自我認知與工作滿意度較高。在職導師制度對於組織人力發展影響,包括:(1)激勵員工、工作績效以及留任率;(2)在職導師制度提供結構化的系統可強化組織文化(3)加速人才的發展;(4) 規範了員工的工作行為,培養了員工的學習習慣(5)培養管理人才以及接班人計畫(6)提高組織團隊的績效及技術的傳承,在此過程中,師徒雙方得以獲得成長,促進組織社會化。In recent years, mentoring has been gaining popularity as a key skill in management systems. When playing a mentoring role, a manager must possess multiple skills, which include listening, analysis, interviewing, questioning and observing, providing feedback, communicating clearly, and creating a comfortable, trusting environment (King & Eaton, 1999; Marsh, 1992; Mobley, 1999; Zemke, 1996). However, a manager usually faces learning obstacles such as time constraints, insufficient motivation, role ambiguity, other short-term needs, lack of adequate experience to be a mentor, and an organizational culture that does not encourage training in general (Goleman, 2000; Hunt & Weintraub, 2002; Redshaw, 2000; Talarico, 2002; Yarnall, 1998). Mentoring is increasingly being used as a management tool to address these issues. It has been proven in extensive research that the mentoring relationship affects both the individual and the organization positively. In the past, mentoring relationships were mostly informal relationships within the organization; however, they are being officially incorporated into the formal structures of more and more organizations around the world. The main purpose of this research is to identify how well mentoring is presently working in business organizations and to analyze the impact of mentoring systems on an organization's human resource development. This study attempts to identify an index to measure the efficiency of implementing mentoring systems which can serve as a reference for other organizations and industries. This research was conducted using qualitative methods and is based on three case studies of organizations that implemented formal mentoring systems. We performed in-depth interviews with the company and reviewed the relevant literature on this topic. The objective of this study is to discover how and why organizations are currently using formal mentoring systems to achieve their organizational goals. It seems that formal mentoring systems are not only used to train new hires but also to assist other units in the organization to achieve higher goals and to strategize how to share knowledge and skill sets across the organization. We also considered the impact on organizational human resource development of implementing a formal mentoring system as regards employee job satisfaction. The organization needs to be committed to the fair treatment of its employees in order to avoid employee discontent in the workplace. In comparison to employees who do not have formal mentoring, those who have a mentor relationship have better job opportunities, increased self-actualization and, therefore, improved job satisfaction and performance. The impact of implementing formal mentoring systems also includes (1) generating greater loyalty, commitment, and motivation in employees, and thus higher job performance, (2) a stronger and more cohesive organizational culture, (3) facilitating the ability of employees realize their full potential,(4) establishing the rules for employees’ professional conduct and encouraging good learning habits, (5) preparing people for future management positions, (6) improving teamwork performance by sharing technology and skills across the company. In this way, both the mentor and the mentee will help the organization improve its overall socialization. |