工作評價多數大多數組織在設計薪資管理前重要的程序之一,然而企業在新人敘薪或導入工作評價方法時,在事先得知個人薪資後,會造成多數評價結果的偏誤。這不但使得評價結果無法代表職位在組織的相對位置,也對後續薪資管理及相關人力資源應用產生極大的影響。本研究把焦點放在探討事先得知個人薪資,對評價者產生的影響,並試圖驗證評價訓練,是否能協助評價者評出更正確的評價結果。最後,本研究更進一步探討評核者無法得知職位薪資並接受評價訓練後,是否對評價結果的正確性產生正向的影響。本研究採2(有無揭露薪資資訊)X 2(有無接受評價訓練)的二因子實驗設計,並募集了48 名人力資源所的研究生對4職位進行工作評價。研究結果指出,訓練對降低評價分數之月暈效果及提高距離正確性有顯著的影響,而薪資資訊揭露及評價訓練二者間的交互作用效果對評價分數之距離正確度亦呈現了顯著的影響。最後,本研究針對研究結果進行討論並對後續研究與實務管理提出具體可行的建議。Subjects evaluated 4 benchmark jobs on 3 dimensions with Hay Guide Chart Profile Method after either being given pay level information or not given pay level information, and after receiving training or being untrained in job evaluation process. The amount of information affected primarily the accuracy of the ratings. Those given both pay level and training were generally more accurate in their ratings than those only given training. Trained subjects demonstrated less halo effect and greater accuracy than did those who were untrained. Evaluation training affected primarily the distribution of ratings, the most accurate subjects tended to be those who received training as well as pay level information.