我國逐步邁入高齡社會,老年照護及慢性病防治等工作愈益重要,整個社會對於專業護理的需求愈來愈增加,然而,護理人力短缺情況,各國皆然,如何留住好的護理人才,成為每家醫院最重要的課題。 本研究某公立區域級教學醫院共150位護理人員進行資料蒐集及分析,採便利抽樣方法進行調查,總共各發放問卷150份予護理長及護理人員,經問卷配對後,有效問卷共118份,有效問卷回收率為78.6%。研究者採階層迴歸分析,以年資等人口變項為控制變項,自變項為工作動機、工作滿意,干擾變項為工作壓力,依變項為工作績效來檢定上述自變項對於依變項之預測能力。 結果:(l)工作動機與任務性績效有顯著關係(2)工作動機與脈絡性績效有顯著關係(3)工作壓力與任務性績效有顯著相關(4)工作滿意與工作壓力有顯著相關(5)工作動機對工作績效的影響,的確會受到工作壓力的干擾,但與本研究假設不同(壓力愈大,愈會干擾工作動機對工作績效的正向影響)。Taiwan enters into the ageing society gradually, and the elders take caring and chronic illness prevention is more important. The society of Taiwan needs more and more specialized nurses, however, the nursing manpower shortage happened in many countries. How to keep the good nursing manpower becomes most important issue in each hospital. The convenience sampling method was used to conduct surveys with structured questionnaires in the public hospital of Taiwan. We sent out 150 questionnaires to nurses and nurses’ supervisors, and a total 118 participants (must to match nurses’ questionnaires and supervisors’ questionnaires) returned valid responses for further analysis. There the researcher uses the hierarchical regression analysis to examine the hypothesis. The research shows:(l) Nurses’ job motivation is related to task performance positively. (2) Nurses’ job motivation is related to contextual performance positively. (3) Nurses’ job stress is related to task performance negatively. (4) Nurses’ job satisfaction is related to job stress negatively.(5) Nurses’ job stress moderates the relationship between job motivation and task performance and contextual performance. But it is different from the researcher’s hypothesis.