現今護理人力需求熱絡,但供給相對不足,甚至引發「護士荒」的失衡現象,引發本研究動機,故欲探討存在護理工作上的高壓力,是否會影響人格與績效、滿意間的關係,以提供實務管理參考。 研究對象為某公立醫院中實際執行照護工作的護理人員,以員工自評量表收集五大人格特質、工作滿意、工作壓力知覺資料,以他評量表收集工作績效資料,配對後有效樣本數為104筆。本研究以人格特質為自變項、工作壓力知覺為調節變項、工作績效及工作滿意為依變項,以階層迴歸分析進行假設驗證,發現: 1.人格特質對內在滿意、外在滿意具顯著預測能力,且外向性、勤勉盡責性與外在滿意關係分別為正、負向。 2.人格特質對任務績效、脈絡績效的預測能力,工作壓力對人格與績效、人格與滿意的調節效果,未達顯著水準。 3.不同年資、聘僱方式、部門、婚姻狀況等背景,造成工作壓力知覺有顯著差異,且受訪者的「工作負荷」為最主要的壓力源。 根據上述發現,對個案醫院提出留才及未來人員招募建議,此外,也指出研究限制及未來研究方向。Contrary to the increasing demand, the supply is not sufficient in the present nursing labor market. It even appears a serious shortage of nurses. Thus, this study would like to clarify if the high stress of nursing jobs moderates the relationship between personality traits and job performance and job satisfaction. 104 samples are gathered from a government hospital. The self-report questionnaires answered by nurses are used to collect the information of Big Five, job stress and job satisfaction. Besides, the job performance information is from the questionnaires answered by 11 nurse supervisors. This study presents Big Five as a predictor of job performance and job satisfaction, and job stress as a moderator of the above relationship. The regression analysis, one-way ANOVA and independent t test are the main analysis methods to examine the hypotheses. The results show that: 1.Extraversion is positive predictor and conscientiousness is negative predictor to Extrinsic Satisfaction. 2.The personality traits are not significant predictor to Task Performance or Contextual Performance. 3.Job stress does not have the significant effect to moderate the relationship between personality and job performance or job satisfaction. 4.Different seniority, permanent/ temporary contracts, departments and marriage status cause samples’ different perception of job stress. Besides, “Work load” is the main stressor. Practical implications of the results in nursing retention and recruitment are discussed.