本文以後進者理論的觀點探討後進者的技術獲取模式,後進者在技術上孤立於世界先進技術,故欲進行追趕策略,選擇適當的技術獲取模式與先進者進行技術獲取,在技術上與全球先進技術聯結,並累積資源以期有機會能進入先進者之列。過去有許多研究探討影響技術獲取模式選擇的影響因子,其中証實廠商所擁有的資源與能力以及外部環境會影響技術獲取模式的選擇,本研究從後進者的觀點,根據後進者審視本身資源並以提供先進者互補性資源以進行技術獲取的決策特性,提出從「技術能力」、「市場能力」與「環境風險」探討後進者廠商對於技術獲取模式決策中整合程度高低的影響。 本研究以LED產業與太陽能產業為例,利用美國商標暨專利局資料庫(USPTO)與SDC Platinum資料庫查詢得到1990至2009年內LED產業與太陽能產業持有關鍵技術的先進者與後進者的合作資料,LED產業205筆、太陽能產業82筆,以多元邏輯迴歸進行統計分析。研究結果發現,在技術能力構面:若後進者廠商具有研發能力、製造互補能力,且與先進者存在技術相似性,則越傾向與後進者進行高整合程度的技術獲取模式;若後進者具有創新能力,則傾向低整合程度的技術獲取模式。在市場能力構面:後進者若具有行銷利益,則越傾向高整合程度的技術獲取模式。在環境風險構面:後進者與先進者之間若存在文化差異,則傾向低整合程度的技術獲取模式;後進者與先進者雙方合作的國家若存在法律制度風險則傾向高整合程度的技術獲取模式。 Technology has become one of the important factors affecting the competitive advantages of the high-tech firms. The Latecomers are the firms isolated from the main stream technologies and lack of technology resources, they implement “Catch-up” strategy by playing the role as technology recipients, acquiring technologies from the first-movers, and expect to join the leading-edge technology group. This research is at the Latecomers’ standpoint, to investigate how Latecomers’ technological abilities, marketing abilities and the environmental risks influence the options of the Latecomers’ external knowledge acquisition. This paper studied the incidents of the technology acquisition in the LED and Solar industries from 1990 to 2009. Two databases, the strategic alliance of SDC Platinum and the patent database of USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) were used in this study. Multiple Logistic Regression was used to test the hypothesis. The analysis in this study found that the Latecomer’s technology abilities, marketing abilities and the environmental risks really influenced the choice of technology acquisition mode made by Latecomers.