會議展覽產業在先進國家中一直扮演著促進國家、都市經濟發展,以及帶動周遭產業成長的重要角色。隨著新進國家和重要都市國際化的色彩越來越鮮明,國與國之間舉辦國際性會議以及國際型展覽的次數業越來越頻繁,會議展覽產業的重要性可說是有增無減。有鑑於上述會議展覽產業對新進國家以及先進都市的重要性,本研究將探討會議展覽產業中展覽活動的顧客參觀展覽意願的議題。 本研究目的是探討顧客參觀的意願會受到那些因素的影響,造成意願降低的情況。經由文獻的探討之後,本研究將影響顧客參觀展覽的意願的因素共分為參展廠商的不利因素、展覽活動的不利因素以及顧客本身的不利因素三個構面,再以這三個構面為依據設計問卷,並於2009年11月19至20日的台北國際會議展覽產業展中發放。最後利用統計方法分析回收的問卷,驗證出本研究假設的因素多數確實對顧客參觀展覽的意願造成影響。 探討了本研究的實驗結果之後,我們了解到舉辦展覽活動除了要具備特定的因素之外,展覽活動的主辦單位以及參展廠商還必須要屏除影響顧客參觀展覽意願的不利因素,如此一來,展覽活動才能夠成功,參展廠商才能夠有效率的收到展覽帶來的效益。 The convention and exhibition industry has been played the important role for advanced countries to develop urban economic and stimulate industrial growth for a long time .With the growing internationalization, the more frequent international meetings and exhibitions between countries, the more important of convention and exhibition industry would be. In view of the importance of the convention and exhibition industry for advanced countries and cities which have been mention above, this study will explore the issues of the visitors who attend the exhibition. The purpose of this study is to explore the factors which would affect the willingness of buyers. After the research, this study will divide the factors to three dimensions: unfavorable factors of exhibitors, unfavorable factors of exhibition and unfavorable factors of buyers themselves. These three dimensions would be designed as the questionnaire survey, and send into the Taiwan Exhibition & Convention Industry Show in November 19th and 20th in 2009. As the result of the findings of this study, we realize that the exhibitions need not only to have some positive factors but also to eliminate the unfavorable factors. Hence, the exhibitors and the manager of the exhibition will receive the benefit efficiently.