台灣自行車消費市場從2007年底掀起一波自行車熱潮後,在2009年經歷了一波銷售量的急速大幅衰退,許多人質疑自行車市場將重蹈「蛋塔效應」,但業者們認為市場的反應僅是過熱後退燒回歸到市場原貌,並深信歷經此波熱潮後,單車文化已在台灣深耕。 本研究針對台灣地區騎乘四千元以上自行車之騎士,採用結構關係模式(SEM)探討創新特質、人際影響、品牌認知與消費者需求對購買意願的影響,並透過自行車使用狀況來分析市場現況。從回收的275份有效樣本中得到研究分析結果整理如下: 1. 人際影響與消費者需求對購買意願有顯著正向影響。 2. 創新特質、人際影響與品牌認知差異對消費者需求有顯著正向影響。 3. 人際影響對品牌認知有顯著正向影響。 4. 是否有參與車隊或社團和不同的騎乘頻率對自行車購買意願有顯著差異。 Since late 2008, the bicycle consumer market has started an upsurge in Taiwan, in 2009, it experienced a wave of rapid and substantial decline in sales, many people question the bicycle market will repeat the "egg tart effect", but the industries think that the market reaction is just return to the original market after the bike-fever, and believed that the bicycle culture had plowed deeply in Taiwan after the fever. The research was focus on the cycle bikers who own a bicycle value more than 4,000 NT dollars. This research studied about the influence to purchase intention from Innovativeness, interpersonal influence, brand awareness and consumer demand by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and try to analyze current market conditions through the bike usage. According to the statistical analysis with 275 valid samples we collected, we have the conclusion as follows: 1. Interpersonal influence and consumer demand have significantly positive effect on purchase intention. 2. Innovativeness, interpersonal influence and brand awareness and purchase intention have significantly positive effect on consumer demand. 3. Interpersonal influence has significantly positive effect on brand awareness. 4. There were a significantly difference to purchase intention between experience of team or community and different requencies of ride.