現今許多企業已藉著引進新的軟體系統與購置先進的硬體設備來提升內部的管理效率與降低營運成本,希望能提昇公司的競爭力,在這些工具中,企業資源規(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)扮演著很重要的地位。它是一套可以整合企業相關資訊與企業營運流程,並且能夠及時提供經營者與管理者所需資訊的大型資訊系統。因此,本研究以導入 ERP 的公司做為主要的研究對象, 使用Bhattacherjee (2001a)為因應資訊系統所發展出來的 ECT-IS 模型作為研究基礎,加入使用者涉入這個構念,企圖提高使用者對於資訊系統的持續使用意願,讓公司在資訊系統上線後能夠更順利的運作。 本研究主要探討企業形象使用者持續使用意願。並加入涉入的干擾效果. 。本研究之結果顯示使用者涉入與持續使用意願之間有顯著的正向關係。 Many firms have implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in the past few years. This study looks at the influence that end user involvement (EUI) has on the organizational ERP system continuance. The main concept originally comes from Oliver‘s Expectation - Confirmation Theory. Using the ECT-IS continuance model from Bhattacherjee (2001) be the foundation. Within the field of information system, user involvement generally refers to participation in the systems development process by potential users or their representatives and is measured as a set of behaviors or activities that such individuals perform. This thesis separated user involvement as user participation (a set of behaviors or activities performed by users in the system development process) and user involvement (a subjective psychological state reflecting the importance and personal relevance of a system to the user. This paper argues that individual‘s psychological state has a positive impact on ECT-IS continuance model. An email and Google survey was used to collect data in organizations, using ERP system. A total of 400 responses were obtained. The results indicate that end user involvement affect confirmation, perceived usefulness and continuance intention of ERP system. The result reveals EUI has a positive impact to perceived usefulness, confirmation and continuance intention. . The results suggest that continuance intention of ERP system is determined by end user involvement, and followed by perceived usefulness and user satisfaction.