所謂飲食男女,人之大欲。飲食文化無論在中國或是西方文化都已具有相當長遠的歷史,且在文化中都佔有相當重要的角色。廚師們被喻為火的魔術師,將他們視為藝術家真是一點都不為過,就算不是也是一個精緻工作者。而烘焙師父也在餐飲中佔有一席之地因為“ 甜“ 是至今唯一被獨立出來而有所發展並獨樹一格的獨特味覺。一個好的烘焙師父到底需要什麼樣的職能,並且他們是如何看待自身職業的重要性呢?本研究之目的即欲探討台灣烘焙業師傅們之自我認同以及工作精緻化的程度。本研究採用質性研究並透過半結構式之深度訪談,對六位烘焙師傅進行研究,並根據其陳述做整理,提供背景瞭解基礎。同時嘗試進一步從陳述中找出烘焙業共同之職業特性與工作設計的概念。結果發現縱使台灣烘焙業之環境與發展有較多限制,但是師傅們仍努力突破創新。 Food reveals our soul, and it has long been produced by “specialists” outside the family in “civilized society“. If cooks were not as esteemed as artists, they were still ranked above craftmen (Fine 1996), and so are patissiers and bakers. So what makes a good baking chef, and how he sees himself as an occupation? In this research, we are going to do some research of identity and job crafting on baking chefs in Taiwan during the process of sensmaking. To do so, the research uses the method of qualitative and semi-structured interviews with combination of specific questions and open-ended questions to give the participants more idea and freedom to deliberate upon the theme. With six interviewees in this research, we try to give an overview of the industry based on their respond. Meanwhile, we will try to find out some patterns of occupational characteristic and job design theory. As a result, we found that although the overall environment for baking chefs is not that friendly, chefs still work hard to accomplish achievements