「雇主品牌」(Employer Branding) 能展現企業的可識別性及獨特性,更能區別企業與競爭者之間的差異,因此,近年來雇主品牌逐漸成爲企業策略的重要組成部分。然而,自2008年各國政府提倡綠色經濟(Green Economy),很多傳統企業也紛紛朝綠色企業(Green Business)轉型。同時,面對民眾環保意識興起,原有的雇主品牌已不再能滿足員工挑選的準則,而形成了所謂的「綠色雇主品牌」(Green Employer Branding)。 綠色雇主品牌源自於企業內部的綠色管理及相關政策。在企業社會責任當道的潮流中,企業主面對強大的經營壓力,是否會選擇積極地從事與社會公益、環境保護相關的工作,這種綠色思維能否對組織整體績效產生良性的刺激與衝擊是本研究所探討的內容。 本研究收集了155位來自不同產業類別的高階主管對於綠色雇主品牌的知覺程度,並瞭解綠色雇主品牌知覺程度與企業推動綠色實務及組織績效三者的關聯性。 研究結果發現:(1)綠色雇主品牌知覺程度愈高的企業,企業所推動的綠色實務愈多;(2)企業推動的綠色實務愈多,組織績效愈好;(3) 綠色雇主品牌知覺程度愈高的企業,組織績效愈好;(4) 綠色雇主品牌知覺程度雖可影響組織績效,但必須透過企業內部的綠色實務活動才能發揮作用。 Employer branding has been described as the ‘company’s efforts to communicate to existing and prospective staff that it is a desirable place to work for’. Thus, it has been recently regarded as an important component for enterprises while establishing their business strategies. However, since “Green Economy” is getting popular all over the world, more and more companies are switching themselves into “Green Business” in order to attract those employees who care about environmental protection and have knowledge of green concept. In other words, “Green” has become a new strategy for employer branding. The concept of green employer branding comes from the company’s internal green management and green policies. The main concern of this concept is that, will companies choose to run their businesses with green mindset even when faced with the pressure of rising cost? Thus, this study purports to examine the relationship among perception of green employer branding, corporate environmental practices and organizational performance. This study uses empirical results from 155 high-level managers from different industries. The result indicates that a higher perception of green employer branding leads to a higher organizational performance only when corporate environmental practices are implemented within the organization.