本研究詴圖瞭解在職員工所認知的心理契約狀態,以及組織中何種職務角色對於履行心理契約所應負的責任歸屬程度,並探討員工對於勞雇關係中的心理契約責任義務的認同狀態與其心理契約實踐之間的關聯性。 這項研究使用學者Rousseau (2000)的心理契約量表 (Psychological Contract Inventory)來評估員工個人的心理契約知覺狀態,探討心理契約中員工與雇主個別的責任義務的認同度對於心理契約實踐的影響,亦進一步檢視員工心理契約的轉換性,以探討員工所知覺的勞雇關係現狀與心理契約實踐之間的關聯性。 本研究蒐集了國內二百零二名在職員工的樣本來針對研究假設做驗證, 研究結果證實,對於心理契約責任義務的認同度較高的員工其心理契約的實踐程度通常亦較高,本研究結果亦證實員工心理契約的轉換性與其心理契約實踐有高度相關。 This study attempted to understand employee’s perceived psychological contract status in the workplace in Taiwan, using the Psychological Contract Inventory developed by Denise M. Rousseau (2000). This study examined the extent to who the employee believed held the responsibility for the employer’s obligations, the correlation between psychological contract obligations and fulfillment as well as the extent to which employees believe that they have fulfilled the commitments made to their employers and whether that their employers have fulfilled their commitments in turn. This study also examined the correlation between employees perceived psychological contract transitions and its contract fulfillment by assessing employees self-evaluation on their current relationship with their employers. This study tested the hypotheses with a sample of 202 employees currently in post. The study results demonstrated that the higher perceived psychological contract obligations would strengthen higher level of psychological contract fulfillment. This study result also demonstrated that the perceived psychological contract transitions correlated highly with the psychological contract fulfillment.