在競爭如此激烈的環境下,組織面對著來自四面八方的挑戰,要想突破重圍擊退競爭者,創新是相當重要的一個課題。就像是蘋果的平板電腦就帶來了全新的市場,相較之下宏碁一直固守在筆記型電腦上,這就使得蘋果現在如日中天,但宏碁卻是節節敗退。因此,如何開創出新的技術以及新的市場一直是組織所想研究的課題,而問題解決的三種能力對於創新績效的影響,以及團隊成員多樣性帶來的影響,便是本研究的重要課題。 經由本研究實證結果發現,尋求幫助和給予幫助的意願對創新績效都是負相關的關係,這跟眾多學者所認為的結果有些差異。然而,重新構思的意願則對創新績效都是正相關的關係,由此可知重新構思對於一個新產品開發團隊的重要性。在團隊成員組成多樣性方面,本研究結果顯示該變數只有對於給予幫助與市場創新績效的關係是正向調節但不顯著,其餘五條皆為正向調節且顯著。 因此,本研究認為團隊內若想提升創新績效,務必要讓團隊內成員培養出重新構思的意願。而如果一個團隊沒有這種意願,就算一股腦的提升團隊組成的多樣性,這樣也只會帶來反效果。 In the competitive industry environment, the only way for the organizations to defeat their competitors is innovation. The only way for the organizations to defeat their competitors is innovation. For example, Acer almost spent its whole expenses and efforts in the industry of laptop without the foresight of Tablet PC, so Apple became the pioneer and had a high market share in the industry of Tablet PC. It seems that how to invent a new technology and find a new market become the main issue for the organization. Accordingly, the researcher investigated how the three abilities of problem solving and team composition affected on the performance of innovation in the study. The results from the empirical study showed that there was significantly negative relationship between help seeking and the performance of innovation or help giving and the performance of innovation. The result was not similar to the prior research. However, the reflective reframing was positively related to the performance of innovation. The result could prove that the ability to reframe reflectively was important for the team which was responsible for developing new products. Additionally, the result of the study indicated that team composition insignificantly positive mediated to help giving and the performance of creating a new market; the others five path were significant. Therefore, the team composition probably has negative influence on the team if the team members are not willing to reframe reflectively. The researcher suggests that the organizations should foster the team’s reflective reframing for increasing the performance of innovation.