近二十年來,利用性(Exploitation)與探索性(Exploration)的議題不斷地在商管期刊中被探討著。舉凡在組織學習、創新、策略等管理議題都可見其踨跡,其中多以探討如何在兩者之間取得平衡、對公司績效的影響居多。利用性代表著效率、產能提升、控制、確定性高及降低變異程度的意涵,而探索性代表著搜尋與發現、自主性高、創新及擁抱高度變異。然而,在眾多實證研究中仍缺少一致的操作型定義來衡量利用性與探索性。此外,在利用性與探索性在本質上究竟是一個維度抑或兩個維度的問題,本篇文章透過彙整許多以問卷為基礎之實證研究的衡量指標試圖從中找到答案,同時也提供未來實證研究中在衡量利用性與探索性議題時的一些要點。 In the last two decades, exploitation and exploration have been widely discussed on the field of organizational learning, innovation, strategy and etc in management literature. Exploitation is about efficiency, increasing productivity, control, certainty, and variance reduction. Otherwise, exploration is about search, discovery, autonomy, innovation and embracing variation. Among the rich empirical researches, we find that there are lack of consistencies on operationalized definition of exploration and exploitation. Thus, by integrating the questionnaire items of those survey-based researches, we try to outline the basic points for measuring exploration and exploitation. Meanwhile, we reexamine the relationship between exploration and exploitation are two ends of a continuum or orthogonal to each other.