本研究的重點為產品的視覺與聽覺的獨特性效果,如何影響受詴者對產品資訊的記憶程度。我們將視覺獨特性效果分為產品色彩與產品外盒來做探討,聽覺獨特性則是用環境音樂來塑造,以產品色彩獨特性為例,當受測者觀看暗紅色的羽毛球時,異於常理的暗紅色將使產品產生色彩獨特性,與白色羽球相比,受測者對暗紅羽球的產品資訊記憶明顯較高,且記憶效果會延續至一週後,而獨特性效果與產品資訊記憶間會受到驚訝情緒的中介影響,獨特性效果愈強烈,產生的驚訝情緒愈高,而產品資訊記憶程度也就愈好。 而產品外盒獨特性是以研磨咖啡實驗產品,以曲線外盒作為產品外盒的獨特性來源;在聽覺獨特性上,我們以糕餅馬卡龍為實驗產品,並以樂曲「大黃蜂的飛行」作為其環境音樂獨特性的來源;產品外盒與環境音樂獨特性對產品資訊的記憶效果上,並未得到顯著的影響。 本研究採用實驗設計法,以投影片方式將產品與產品資訊播放給受測者觀賞,並於觀看完畢後填寫情緒量表與產品資訊回想問卷,並以變異數分析及多元迴歸分析盡情假設之驗證,研究結果顯示 一、 產品的色彩獨特性會對產品資訊記憶有顯著影響 二、 驚訝情緒對產品色彩獨特性與資訊記憶程度具中介效果 三、 產品的外盒獨特性會影響受測者情緒,但未對產品資訊記憶有顯著影響 四、 產品的聽覺獨特性不會影響受測者情緒,亦未對產品資訊記憶顯著影響 The research focuses on the effect of product distinctiveness of vision and auditory perception on the consumer memories. In this thesis, the visal distinctiveness is decomposed of color and packing. The product distinctiveness of auditory perception will be made by ambient music. For instance, if a shuttlecock is in color of darkred (v.s white), recall for the product memory increases significantly—with the effects lasting as much as one week after exposure. We also find that the emotion of surprise has a mediating effect on product memory of subjects. If the product has much stronger distinctiveness effect of color, the subjects will get more high surprise emotion, and the product memories will be rememberd more. The experimental design is one of the Research Method. The subjects watch the product and product information by Powerpoint, and they finish the questionnaire after one product exploring. Then we use ANOVA and regression analysis to Analyze Verification Results. The result shows that: 1. The distinctiveness of product color has significantly effect on the subjects’ memories. 2. The emotion of surprise has a mediating effect on product memory of subjects. 3. The distinctiveness of product packing has significantly effect on the emotion, but it won’t have effect on product memory of subjects. 4. The product distinctiveness of auditory perception does’t have significantly effect on the subjects’ emotion and product memory.