網際網路與行動電話是人與人之間重要的聯繫工具。電信業者的無線通訊技術發展已經相當普及化且不斷的翻新。本論文為個案研究,探討3G行動通訊業者的通訊服務模式。鑒於行動通訊業者的語音服務收入逐年遞減,該電信業者在競爭激烈的市場環境裡想要提供給客戶更好的行動通訊服務,以增加公司的營收。除此之外,業者也關注到行動通訊服務的營運的風險。在此篇的研究中,對於行動通訊的數據服務,我們採用ANP的方法協助決策者在複雜的準則關係裡,三項行動通訊數據服務方案中做出最符合公司需求的最佳選擇。在我們的研究分析裡也指出行動通訊業者的四項的潛在風險,需要制定一些風險防制計劃方案來加以克服。業者必須在資源及預算有限的條件下做出理想的方案選項。本篇研究提出包含三種方法的混合式研究架構:首先採用DEMATEL方法將準則之間相互影響的關係程度計算出來;再來是利用ANP方法計算出各個選項的權重;最後則是使用ZOGP方法在有限的預算內做出符合公司利益的最佳選項。 Internet and mobile telephone services are both important for intercommunication among people. In addition, wireless technologies are popular and emerging technologies for the telecommunications industry. A case study of a mobile operator with Third Generation (3G) services is discussed in this research. Because of its decreasing voice service revenue, this mobile operator is in straitened circumstances and it tends to focus on feasible mobility services. Furthermore, it also concerns about operational risk. In this study, we applied the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method to the network structures for making complex decisions of the mobility service. This method helps the decision-makers determine which of three alternatives would best meet the company’s needs. Besides, our analysis indicates that there are four risks that are always associated with the mobile operators. The company should develop an optimal solution given limited resources and a tight budget. This research proposes a hybrid model for multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) that may be useful in identifying optimal risk treatment projects based on budget constraints. The first step in this hybrid model uses the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method to build interrelations between criteria, while the second step uses the ANP to rank the priority and weight of the alternatives. Finally, our framework uses the zero–one goal programming (ZOGP) approach in combination with the ANP analysis results to identify optimal alternatives that meet the decision-maker’s needs.