摘要: | 本研究旨在探討高等教育學生對於學習教材以不同程度的社會線索(Social cues)來呈現,並加入社會知覺、喚醒情緒、愉悅情緒、心流經驗、學習動機的變數的衡量,對於學習者學習成效的影響,本研究依據社會線索程度不同,分成高度與低度社會線索,以投影片呈現為具有低度社會線索,而以虛擬人物方式呈現為具有高度社會線索,分成擬真人和怪獸兩種。 本研究對象為亞洲大學曾使用過校內數位學習系統的學生,採用實驗設計之「靜態組比較設計」,以投影片介面為控制組,擬真人及怪獸介面為實驗組,共得176份有效樣本,並透過SPSS17.0與AMOS16.0進行個人資料與信效度分析,並利用路徑分析(Path Analysis)分析本研究之理論架構與路徑因果關係,本研究發現三種呈現方式有相同結果,說明如下: (一)學習課程所呈現的社會線索如語言、人聲、虛擬人物等將會引起使用者「社會知覺」直接正向影響使用者的「心流經驗」、「喚醒情緒」及「愉悅情緒」。 (二)使用者的「喚醒情緒」直接正向影響「心流經驗」及「愉悅情緒」。 (三)使用者的「愉悅情緒」直接正向影響「學習動機」。 (四)使用者的「心流經驗」及「學習動機」直接正向影響「學習成效」。 本研究利用多變量變異數分析探討三組課程呈現方式,對研究模型各構面差異的影響,得知三種課程呈現方式對研究模型中「社會知覺」、「喚醒情緒」、「心流經驗」、「愉悅情緒」、「學習動機」及「學習成效」構面皆有顯著差異,因此進一步以雪費(Scheffe)進行事後檢定,研究結果說明如下: (一)在研究模型中「社會知覺」構面,「投影片」課程呈現方式顯著高於「擬真人」及「怪獸」課程呈現方式,而「擬真人」課程呈現方式顯著高於「怪獸」課程呈現方式。 (二)在研究模型中「喚醒情緒」、「愉悅情緒」及「學習動機」構面,「投影片」及「擬真人」課程呈現方式皆顯著高於「怪獸」課程呈現方式。 (三)在研究模型中「心流經驗」構面,「擬真人」課程呈現方式顯著高於及「怪獸」課程呈現方式。 (四)在研究模型中「學習成效」構面,「投影片」課程呈現方式顯著高於及「怪獸」課程呈現方式。 The researcher attempted to determine whether the social cues used in learning materials result in online course socialness perceptions in higher education students. Furthermore, the pleasure, arousal, flow and motivation were added in the research model to investigate their influence on learners’ learning outcomes. According to the difference level of social cues, social cues were divided into two ways, PowerPoint and avatars. PowerPoint possesses low-social online course. Avatar, including human-like avatar and monster-like avatar, possesses high-social online course. The subjects of this study were 176 students in the Asia University which had used the e-learning systems. The researcher adopted the static group comparison of experimental design. The students were assigned to one control group and two experimental groups. Students in the control group were taught via the PowerPoint version. Students in the experimental groups were taught via the human-like avatar version and monster-like avatar version. The Path Analysis was conducted to analyze the data and investigate the causalities among all parameters constructed in the proposed model. It was found that three versions, PowerPoint, human-like avatar and monster-like avatar, had similar results. The results of the study were summarized as follows: I.The social cues, such as language, human voice, and social role, presented in the online course would cause users’ socialness perception, and in turn positively affect the users’ flow, arousal and, pleasure. II.Users’ arousal had a positive effect on users’ flow and pleasure. III.Users’ pleasure had a positive effect on users’ motivation. IV.Users’ flow and motivation have positive effects on users’ learning outcome. The multivariate analysis of variance was conducted to explore the difference of the three course versions. The results showed that the three course versions were significantly difference in several dimensions of the proposed research model, including socialness perception, arousal, flow, pleasure, motivation and learning outcome. The results of the study were summarized as follows: I.In terms of socialness perception, PowerPoint version was significantly higher than human-like avatar version and monster-like avatar version; human-like avatar version was significantly higher than monster-like avatar version. II.In terms of arousal, pleasure and motivation, PowerPoint and human-like avatar versions was significantly higher than monster-like avatar version. III.In terms of flow, human-like avatar version was significantly higher than monster-like avatar version. IV.Finally, in terms of learning outcome, PowerPoint version was significantly higher than monster-like avatar version. |