企業要如何整合優勢尋求活動以及機會尋求活動以求獲利?為了回答這個問 題,我們借助了策略創業的理論。本研究重新檢視策略理論,將策略創業中的兩 大行為:優勢尋求行為及機會尋求行為重新以「流程」的觀點定義,將機會尋求 行為定義為機會辨識、機會評估及機會發展,也將優勢尋求行為定義為優勢評估、 辨識所需之優勢及發展、累績優勢,並以機會發展為橋樑,將此策略創業的兩大 核心行為之「流程」緊密的結合。我們選取了兩個台灣的新創企業為個案分析的 標的,歸類該公司發展歷程的「事件」,並以前述所發展出的架構分析這些事件, 並良好的解釋了個案公司的機會發展過程。最後,我們加入在分析實務個案時所 得到的發現與假說將研究架構擴充得更完整。我們發現,第一,企業能以優勢發 展機會,並以機會發展優勢形成一良性循環。第二,企業能利用先前發展出的優 勢為基礎做槓桿運用,以發展當前所需的優勢。最後,我們發現與其他廠商之間 的網路合作可以促進優勢的發展行為,並且進一步對機會的發展有正面的幫助。 此研究架構為一能在實務上運用之「功能性」流程表,我們希望透過理論的回顧、 邏輯、個案的分析及討論所產生的這個架構在實務上能夠為台灣的新創事業制定 策略時提供思維上的指引。 How does enterprise integrate opportunity-seeking behavior and advantage-seeking behavior in order to gain profit ? To answer the research question , we start with the strategic entrepreneurship theory. We review the literature of strategic entrepreneurship and redefine the two main activity of strategic entrepreneurship : opportunity-seeking behavior and advantage-seeking behavior .We define the “process” of opportunity-seeking behavior as opportunity identification, opportunity evaluation and opportunity development, We also define the process of advantage-seeking behavior as advantage evaluation , advantage gap identification and advantage development . We integrate opportunity-seeking behavior and advantage-seeking behaviors into a “process-oriented” framework to explain the theory of strategic entrepreneurship . We choose two Taiwanese new venture to analyze and classify important events in the process of the company development history. The events are discussed based on the theoretical framework. We find firstly, enterprise may develop opportunity based on their previous advantages. They can also improve their advantage development process by means of good opportunity. Secondly, we find enterprise can leverage previous advantages to develop current advantages. Finally, we find enterprise can improve their advantage development process by networking with others, and that will improve the opportunity development process.