由於近年來電腦技術持續的創新與開發,改變了與傳統教學方法不同的教材呈現方 式。例如,許多大學的班級近年來採取傳統式面對對教學並輔以投影片教材的方式,來輔助整個教學的進行。除了投影片的興起外,動畫在近年來也被運用在教學上,並且被視為一個可以帶給學生很大幫助的教學媒介(de Freitas, 2006)。有鑑於此,本研究探討學習者對於不同教材呈現方式(投影片與動畫人物)的認知對於其學習結果的影響。本研究是以實驗設計的方式進行,實驗對象為亞洲大學的學生,並透過隨機分配將其分成兩組:投影片組與動畫人物組。實驗結束後,分別從 81 位投影片組學生與 49 位動畫人物組學生回收問卷。本研究符合先前文獻所提出的信效度標準。在描述性統計的部分,是為了要進一步了解實驗對象的背景佈。此外,在路徑分析與變異數分析的部分,乃用來檢驗整體研究模型與比較兩組間各個變數的差異。在 0.05 的顯著水準下,心流經驗與學習滿意度、學習動機與學習結果並無顯著正相關;從 MANOVA 結果中指出在社會知覺與喚醒情緒在兩組間具有顯著差異,又以投影片所得之結果較高。 Innovative techniques make the present learning instructional materials different from the traditional classroom. Computer-based learning has become more and more popular in the higher education. For example, many classes in colleges have been taught in traditional way and accompanied by PowerPoint recently. Besides PowerPoint, avatars are new-developed instructional materials for supporting educational activities, and were regarded as a helpful medium for education (de Freitas, 2006). Thus, this paper explores and discusses the relationship between learners’ perception towards different types of learning materials (human-like avatar and PowerPoint) and their learning outcomes. An experimental design was used and participants who were students in Asia University were randomly assigned to two treatment groups: Students of the class with human-like avatar or students of the class with PowerPoint. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 81 students in the class with human-like avatar and 49 students in the class with PowerPoint. Pilot test data for the achievement test yielded acceptable reliability and validity. Descriptive statistics was conducted to understand the distribution of participants’ backgrounds; furthermore, path analysis was used to analyze the model and MANOVA was for comparing the difference of each variable in the two classes. At a 0.05 level of significance, the results indicated that there were not sufficient evidence to prove significant relationship between flow and satisfaction or motivation and learning outcomes. From the result of MANOVA, the mean score of the PowerPoint class was higher than the avatar one in socialness perception, arousal and motivation.