治安、交通與為民服務是警政工作的三大主軸,如何提升警察的服務品質,已成為警政的核心工作。本研究之目的即在於瞭解警專學生的工作價值觀與其服務導向組織公民行為間的關係,並進一步以線性結構方程模式建構分析模型,以探討心理契約與專業承諾在學生工作價值觀與服務導向組織公民行為間是否扮演中介機制。期望能藉由文獻探討及實證研究結果,從學生招募與甄選、教學方針、及生活管理三方面,對警察的基礎教育提供建言。為達成上述目的,本研究利用問卷調查工作進行資料蒐集,共得有效問卷815份後,利用SPSS進行編碼,並藉由LISREL統計軟體進行問卷資料分析與假設檢驗工作。 研究結果發現警專學生之工作價值觀對其心理契約與專業承諾、及心理契約與專業承諾對服務導向組織公民行為均具有顯著的正向影響。此外,警專學生的工作價值觀會透過心理契約或專業承諾的認知間接的影響其服務導向組織公民行為的展現。本文針對研究結果提出管理意涵並詳加討論。 Public security, traffic management and service for the people are the three major functions of policing. To assure the quality of police service, which is contingent on the people who render the service, has become the core of policing. This study aims to investigate the relationship between work values and service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors with Taiwan Police College’s students as the research sample. The mediating effects of psychological contract and professional commitment are also explored in this study. It is found that work values have a positive effect on individuals’ professionalcommitment and psychological contract. It is also found that psychological contract and professional commitment have positive effects on service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors. Besides, work values are found to have a positive effect on service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors through the mediation of psychological contract and professional commitment. Suggestions and recommendations for future research are thus discussed.