高齡化社會來臨,促使醫療服務發展重點由急症,轉以慢性疾病為主,隨著慢性疾病發生率升高,少子化、老人化使老年人與慢性病之醫療照護問題成為一大挑戰。遠距醫療系統可透過網路與通訊科技之協助,在病人家中得到尊嚴、舒適、便捷的醫療照顧。雖然人們對其期望很高,但它在全球各國實施已經證明其營運非常複雜。臺灣遠距醫療其目前的發展狀況到底如何?臺灣遠距醫療照顧產業之商業模式目前存在哪些問題?臺灣發展遠距醫療健康照顧產業之商業營運模式該如何建立?這些問題在本研究中都進行了分析與回答。本研究旨在透過對現行臺灣遠距醫療產業的問題分析,發現現階段遠距醫療營運障礙,作為未來發展的參考。其相關之配套措施整合建構一套完整商業收費機制模式,才是臺灣在發展遠距健康照顧產業的課題。 With the advent of an aging society, the population structure has changed, and the aging society also contributed to the development of medical services changed the focus from acute to chronic disease therapy-based treatment. Tele-healthcare is a communication systems to facilitate care delivery to individuals in people’s home. However, Tele-healthcare’s implementation has proved complex. The main purpose of this study is to investigate what kind of business model could be accepted in Tele-healthcare. What kind of problems that has faced? How to build up the Tele-healthcare industry business model in Taiwan? Who will pay money for Tele-healthcare service is the key successful factor in building up Tele-healthcare industry business model in Taiwan. This is the most important conclusion of the study.