情緒智力與內、外在工作動機是近年來被組織與企業所受重視的議題,無論在哪個產業、領域,每個人的情緒智力在職場上都扮演著重要的角色,在工作中如何善用自我的情緒,以提升內、外在工作動機,並影響自我或整體的工作績效表現,皆是組織企業相當感興趣的課題。因此,本研究主要在探討情緒智力與內外在工作動機、工作績效之間的關連性,以及情緒智力與工作績效之間是否會受到內、外在工作動機的中介效果影響。研究對象是針對國內各領域的人力資源專業人員為主,以便利抽樣方式進行問卷調查,研究結果發現:一、情緒智力能力愈高的員工,愈能激勵自我並提高內在工作動機與外在工作動機。二、內在工作動機愈高者,其工作績效會表現會愈好,以及外在工作動機愈高者,自我的工作績效亦會愈好。三、情緒智力能力愈好的員工對自我的工作績效有正向影響。四、內在工作動機為情緒智力與工作績效的部分中介變項,以及外在工作動機為情緒智力與工作績效的部分中介變項。最後根據研究結論,對各領域的人力資源專業人員提出一些相關建議。Emotional intelligence, internal and external motivation are prominently valued by corporations and organizations in the recent years, and they also play important roles in the workplace every field. Moreover, they are very popular and interesting issues of using emotional intelligence to enhance the internal, extrinsic motivation, and to affect the overall work performance. This study investigates the relationships between emotional intelligence, internal motivation, external motivation and job performance, and whether emotional intelligence and job performance are affected by the mediating effects of internal and extrinsic motivation. We apply the convenience sampling to progress the questionnaire survey aimed at human resources professionals. The results are obtained as follows. First, the higher emotional intelligence ability from an employee, the more encourages internal motivation and external motivation himself. Second, the better intrinsic motivation and job performance increase the performance extrinsic motivation. Third, emotional intelligence and job performance are highly correlated. Finally, the intrinsic motivation plays a partly mediating role among emotional intelligence and extrinsic motivation plays a partly mediating role among emotional intelligence and job performance. Conclusions suggest us to enrich our emotional intelligence and intrinsic motivation, and extrinsic motivation. Implications are discussed and issues for further study indicated.