為了充分了解企業對於ERP系統、ERP供應商及ERP顧問評選準則對於ERP系統導入成功關係之影響,本研究於2009年針對具ERP系統導入經驗的前5,000大企業中的製造業依據產業規模進行分層抽樣並發放問卷。本研究採用DeLone 與McLean在2003年提出的資訊系統成功模式搭配平衡計分卡的架構,建構出ERP系統的績效衡量指標,並納入服務品質的概念,用路徑分析驗證,檢視系統品質、供應商及顧問服務品質的滿意程度對ERP系統成功績效之影響,進一步了解,ERP系統、ERP供應商及ERP顧問之評選準則對於系統品質、供應商及顧問服務品質之關係為何。本研究結果發現,十一項ERP系統評選準則中有四項ERP系統評選準則(顧問的建議、穩定度高的系統、系統流程與企業流程的相容程度,與提供驗證過的最佳實務典範)對供應商服務品質有顯著影響;六項ERP供應商評選準則中有三項ERP供應商評選準則(供應商的ERP軟體銷售在市場上的地位、供應商提供的教育訓練,及供應商的能力與經驗)對供應商服務品質有顯著影響;及七項ERP顧問評選準則中有兩個ERP顧問評選準則(顧問對類似產業的導入經驗與顧問對上線後的支持與承諾)對顧問服務品質有顯著影響,然而,研究中發現,當企業導入ERP系統前,以上影響ERP系統導入成功的評選準則並未被大多數的企業所納入考量;研究中亦發現,系統品質與服務品質的提升能促進使用者滿意程度及ERP系統導入成功。We developed a conceptual framework for investigating how ERP selection criteria are linked to system quality and the service provided by suppliers and consultants, and thus how these influenced ERP implementation success. Through a cross-sectional survey of the top 5,000 largest companies in Taiwan, using a balanced scorecard concept and path analysis, we showed that four system selection criteria (consultant’s suggestion, a certified high-stability system, compatibility between the system and the business process, and the provision of best practices) were positively related to system quality. Three supplier selection criteria (international market position, training support by the supplier and supplier technical support and experience) had a significant influence on supplier service quality, and two consultant selection criteria (consultant’s ERP implementation experience in a similar industry and consultant’s support after going live) were related to consultant service quality. However, we found that most organizations did not consider all these criteria when implementing ERP systems. Our study also suggested that enhanced system quality and service quality could increase user perspective and ERP success.