中文摘要過去許多個案研究發現改善提案與組織績效有正向關係,透過持續不斷的改善(Kaizen)過程可提升品質與降低成本(Singh & Singh, 2009);然而,顯著提升績效,而富有價值的提案是如何產生的,卻缺乏研究深入探討。Arthur & Aiman-Smith (2001) 曾以組織學習的理論與觀點來探討節餘分享制度中員工建議的產生,發現員工建議數量的多寡與組織學習有關。根據組織學習理論,單環學習會影響雙環學習(Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995; Argyris & Schön, 1978 ),依此觀點,本研結合組織學習架構和改善提案系統,探討經由單環與雙環學習而產生的提案,兩者之間的關係是否與組織學習理論的推導一致。本研究欲補足的缺口在:第一,過去研究未清楚推論結合改善提案與組織學習的原因,為何能以單雙環學習觀點區分提案的類型;第二,解釋為何單環提案會影響雙環提案之邏輯推論。本研究個案為日本兩家汽車公司與台灣一家汽車公司共同投資成立,綜合三十六個月改善提案資料,以課為單位探討單環提案與雙環提案之影響關係。結果顯示,因為組織記憶的知識累積、可溝通系統的知識分享與組織學習中介機制,單環提案會影響雙環提案的產生,彼此具有正向關聯。AbstractMany empirical evidences supported that kaizen suggestion system could positively influence the performance of orgnaizations. However, there were few studies to discuss the key mechanism that made employees submit the valuable suggestions.We proposed a model of kaizen suggestion in a view of organizational learning, because the relationship of kaizen suggestions should be consistent with the organizational learning process. According to organizational learning theory, the “single loop learning” could result in the “double loop learning” (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995; Argyris & Schön, 1978 ). Therefore, we used an organizational learning perspective to predict the changes in the volume and content of two types of kaizen suggestions over time. In this study, the relationship of single loop suggestions and double loop suggestions was analyzed. In the mechanism of knowledge accumulation, knowledge sharing and organizational learning intervention, the single loop suggestions would stimulate the creation of double loop suggestions over time.