壽險業是一個需要業務人員高度自律、不斷自我學習、自我提升的行業,同時,保險業務員是與人接觸的工作,擁有熱誠並投入於工作中是必備的條件之一。因此,組織中擁有懂得關心員工、激勵員工的主管顯得相當重要。近年來,瞬息萬變的商業社會促進了管理教練市場的發展,越來越多的管理者被要求成為管理教練以培養管理教練技能,協助員工自我發展,激發員工最大潛能。其中,管理教練技能包含五個構面,分別為開放溝通、團隊導向、重視人性勝於任務、不確定接受性以及促進發展。本研究之目的主要以員工職場個人學習為中介變項,探討管理教練技能與員工工作投入之關係,並試圖利用社會化權變理論來說明各個變數間之關係,並補足以往探討管理教練技能相關文獻之理論缺口。本研究針對壽險產業進行研究調查,共回收有效樣本數243份,運用SPSS 19.0及Amos第17版執行分析後,結果顯示出:一、員工所認知的主管管理教練技能對其工作投入有正向之關聯性;二、管員工所認知的主管管理教練技能對員工職場個人學習有正向之關聯性;三、員工職場個人學習對其工作投入有正向之關聯性;四、員工所認知的主管管理教練技能會透過員工職場個人學習影響工作投入,職場個人學習具有中介效果。最後,根據研究結果,本研究在管理教練技能相關研究中首以社會化權變理論為基礎進行假設驗證,且獲得支持。本研究認為,壽險業除提倡管理教練技能外,同時需重視員工職場個人學習能力。The salesmen in insurance industry need to be a high degree of self regulation, self-learning, and self-improvement. They have to contact with many other people, so they must have enthusiasm and be involved in their jobs. It is important for managers to have ability to concern and motivate their subordinates. Recently, because of the environment changes rapidly, more and more managers are asked to be a managerial coach and cultivate their managerial coaching skills to facilitate their subordinates develop themselves and maximize their potential.There are five constructs of managerial coach skills: open communication, team approach, value people over task, accept ambiguity, facilitate development. In this study, the objective is to investigate the relationship between managerial coach skills and emoloyee job involvement, with employee learning in workplaces as a mediator and based on the concept of contingency theory of socialization. The model was analyzed by SPSS 19.0 ans AMOS 17.0. Collected of 243 questionnaires the result shows that:1.The managerial coaching skills had positive effects on employee job involvement.2.The managerial coaching skills had positive effects on employee learning in workplaces.3.Employee learning in workplaces had positive effects on employee job involvement.4.employee learning in workplaces as mediator, partially mediates the relationship between managerial coaching skills and employee job involvement.