本研究係分析國內某金融機構之營業單位部屬所期待直屬主管之領導風格與其直屬主管實際展現之領導風格所產生之差異,對部屬工作投入及工作滿意之關聯性。本研究收集了293份個案公司營業單位基層員工所填之問卷,由員工自評直屬主管實際展現領導風格及個人所期望領導風格的知覺程度,瞭解期望與實際獲得領導風格之差異與工作投入、工作滿意二者的關聯性。本研究結果發現:(1)感受「主管領導適配度」高的員工,該員工之作投入程度較高;(2)感受「主管領導適配度」高的員工,該員工之工作滿意程度較高;(3)員工「工作滿意度」對「領導適配度」與員工「工作投入」之關聯產生中介影響。This study analyzed the effects on the employees’ job involvement and job satisfaction caused by the differences between the expected leadership style from the employees and the actual leadership style of their direct reporting managers.This study uses questionnaire result from 293 employees from case company, our study concluded the following:1.“Discrepancy of expectation between the supervisors and the subordinates of manager’s leadership” is positively related to the employees’ job involvement.2.“Discrepancy of expectation between the supervisors and the subordinates of manager’s leadership” is positively related to the employees’ job satisfaction.3.Employees’ job satisfaction has a mediation effect on the manager’s leadership and the employees’ job involvement.