本研究旨在探討工作壓力源對於工作滿意度的影響,以及個人特質能否調節工作壓力源對於工作滿意度的負面影響。自變項「工作壓力源」又分成四個子構面:「人際衝突壓力源」、「工作負荷壓力源」、「缺乏自主性壓力源」、「組織氣候壓力源」,並將四子構面加總為「總工作壓力來源」,分別探討此五個自變項對依變項「工作滿意度」之影響,以及人格特質是否具調節作用。 本研究係以企業管理學系與護理系在職專班學生為研究對象,採自我評量的方式回答題項,有效樣本共計89份。研究結果顯示,「總工作壓力源」及四個子構面「人際衝突壓力源」、「工作負荷壓力源」、「缺乏自主性壓力源」、「組織氣候壓力源」對於「工作滿意度」均存有負向關係。調節效果方面,五大人格特質中有三個人格特質可以調節部份工作壓力源:(1)外向性可調節「人際衝突壓力源」、「工作負荷壓力源」與「缺乏自主性壓力源」對工作滿意度之影響。(2)親和性可調節「人際衝突壓力源」對工作滿意度之影響。(3)謹慎性可調節「缺乏自主性壓力源」對工作滿意度之影響。(4)核心自我評估可有效調節「人際衝突壓力源」對於工作滿意度的負向影響。The study aimed at exploring the relationship between job stressors and job satisfaction, and the extent to which personal characteristics moderate the relationship between job stressors and job satisfaction. The determinants of job stressors that have been examined under this study include interpersonal conflict, work overload, work autonomy, organizational climate and the sum of these four stressors above. Using a self-administered questionnaire, a total sample of 89 students from On-the-Job Graduate Program in Business Administration and Professional Nursing Program were surveyed. Results revealed that there is significant negative relationship between job stressors and job satisfaction. Findings also suggest that (1) Extraversion moderates the influences of interpersonal conflict, work overload and work autonomy on job satisfaction. (2) Agreeableness moderates the influence of interpersonal conflict on job satisfaction. (3) Conscientiousness moderates the influence of work autonomy on job satisfaction. (4) Core self-evaluations moderates the influence of interpersonal conflict on job satisfaction.