在現今快速變遷的環境中,企業與企業之間的關係愈來愈複雜,彼此之間不再只是單純的上中下游關係,因此過去僅探討企業鏈狀關係的價值鏈分析方式已不再適用。有鑑於此,本研究採用近年來愈趨受到重視的「商業生態系統(Business ecosystem)」的觀點,以「一群相互連結,共同創造價值與分享價值的企業」作為研究對象,並分辨系統中各企業所扮演的角色─關鍵者(keystones)、坐收漁利者(hub landlords)、支配者(dominators)和利基者(niche players),藉此串起企業間複雜且多變的關係。由於各個角色具有截然不同的特色與策略行為,故可透過角色的判別了解企業本身在商業生態系統中之定位與特質,並依此特質發展出適合該角色的策略,增強自身的競爭力。 然而過去的研究多以「個案研究」或「歷史分析法」等質化方式進行商業生態系統的分析與角色的辦別,故本研究決定跳脫以往學者的做法,採行量化的方式,主要是運用三階段DEA的研發績效模型─技術發展能力、技術擴散能力和價值創造能力,並輔以專利指標做為衡量變數,希望能透過數字的佐證進行商業生態系統角色的辨別,並提供研究之結果予政府單位、LED廠商或相關之研究人員參考。本研究的研究對象為2010年全球20家主要的LED廠商。研究結果發現,日本的Nichia為商業生態系統中的「關鍵者」,美國的Cree和荷蘭的Philips Lumileds為「支配者」,韓國的SamsungLed則是「坐收漁利者」,其餘16家廠商皆為「利基者」。With the rapid business environment changes, the interaction of corporations becomes more and more complex. They are no longer just the relationship between upstream and downstream firms. Consequently, value chain analysis is not appropriate to analyze the relationship between corporations under the situation. Because of the reason, this study uses the concept of business ecosystem which is widely used in recent years. Business ecosystem is a group of corporations which create and share value jointly and classifys corporations into four roles- keystones, hub landlords, dominators and niche players. The purpose is to connect one corporation with others appropriately in today's business environment. On account of the different characteristics and strategy behavior of the four roles, we can realize a corporation’s features and position in a business ecosystem by distinguishing the role of the corporation. According to their features and position, corporations could development a better strategy and enhance their competitiveness. Scholars often used qualitative research methods, such as a case study approach and historical analysis, to analyze business ecosystem and distinguish the role of the corporation. This study is not the same with past research, but use a quantitative research method. Three stage DEA-technology development capability, technology diffusion capability and value creation capability, is the research methodology of this study and using patent indicators as variables to analyze R&D performance of 20 major LED corporations in 2010 and then distinguish the role of corporations. The study finds that Nichia is keystone, Cree and Philips Lumileds is dominator, SamsungLed is hub landlord and other corporations are niche players.