自2004年facebook推出以來,不論是在個人或企業組織皆形成一股風潮,其中以粉絲專頁最具前瞻性與商業價值,許多企業紛紛投入facebook粉絲專頁的經營,甚至將社群媒體經營納入行銷策略中。另外,基於個人的興趣與觀察,發現全球直銷產業受金融海嘯影響十分微小,營業額反而逆勢成長,成為一般人兼職工作的熱門選擇之一。雖然各界正面肯定粉絲專頁的行銷功能,但對粉絲專頁行銷效益評估的研究相對較少,其中國內僅有一篇探討直銷產業在facebook上的行銷策略之相關研究。因此,本研究將以美國Forever Living Products永久產品公司為研究個案公司,聚焦於forever永久產品公司粉絲專頁,一方面探討影響facebook會員使用forever永久產品公司粉絲專頁意圖之因素,另一方面,則探討使用forever永久產品公司粉絲專頁之意圖是否會對forever永久產品公司的購買意願造成影響,且根據研究結果提供直銷業者實務操作上的建議。本研究以理性行為理論(TRA)與購買意願理論為基礎建立研究模式,以結構方程式(SEM)為分析方法,驗證個變數間的關係。在資料蒐集上,本研究全面採用網路問卷,以facebook會員為研究對象,共回收240份有效問卷,研究結果整理如下:1.對forever永久產品公司粉絲專頁之「主觀規範」會對forever永久產品公司粉絲專頁之「使用意圖」造成正向的影響。2.forever永久產品公司粉絲專頁的「使用意圖」會對forever永久產品公司的「購買意願」造成正面的影響。Facebook has been popular among personal internet users and enterprisessince it was lunched in 2004. Its most prospective and valuable function is fans group. Many enterprises start to manage its fans group and even take social media management into consideration in their marketing strategy. Besides, because of personal interest and observation financial crisis and global regression barely damaged global direct selling industry; what’s more, global direct selling companies’ revenue were growing up during recession, and to be a direct seller was a popular option as a part-time job. Most people positively perceive fans group marketing works out, but researches of fans group benefits estimation are rare and there is only one domestic thesis studying direct selling companies’ marketing strategy on the facebook. Therefore, this study adopts Forever Living Products as the study case and focuses on Forever Living Products’ fans group(FLP). This research attempts to examine determinants that affect facebook members’ intention of adopting FLP fans group and discuss effects that intention of adopting FLP fans group causes purchase intention of Forever Living Products. According to these findings, this study proposes some suggestions of fans group marketing strategy to direct selling companies.This study constructs a model based on the theory of Reasoned Action(TRA) and purchase intention. In addition, it applies structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the data collected from 240 facebook members who filled out questionnaire online. The results in this study show:1. Subjective norm positively influence users’ intention of adopting the FLP fan page.2. Users’ intention of adopting FLP fan page positively influence their purchase intention.