Muster & Schrader (2011)提出「綠色工作生活平衡」的觀點,指出個人家庭生活和職場生活中的環境友善行為會相互影響。因此,企業欲綠化員工行為,僅改變其於職場中的行為是不足的,員工於個人家庭生活中的行為也必須有相應的改變。企業必須使員工在個人家庭生活中也能採取對環境友善的綠色生活方式,才能夠真正達到綠化員工的目的。 然而,過去探討個人家庭生活中實踐環境友善行為對企業員工職場行為影響的相關研究有限。為補足此缺口,本研究欲探討個人家庭生活環境友善行為對職場環境友善行為的影響為何,以及其對於員工綠色組織公民行為的影響為何,以了解企業鼓勵員工於個人家庭中實踐環境友善行為能否對員工組織內行為之綠化以及組織本身之綠化產生正面的助益。 本研究以345 名個案公司員工進行樣本測試,結果發現,個人家庭生活中的環境友善行為會影響員工職場中的環境友善行為。另外,於個人家庭生活中展現較高程度環境友善行為的員工,亦傾向於在組織中展現較高程度的綠色組織公民行為。 Muster & Schrader (2011) proposed the idea of “Green work-life balance”, which indicated the possible interaction between employees’ environmentally friendly behavior in private life and at work. Therefore, for the purpose of greening employee, he suggested that there is a need for organizations to facilitate employees’ environmentally friendly behavior not only at work, but also in their private life. Nevertheless, previous studies seldom examine the impact of environmentally friendly behavior in employees’ private life on their behavior at work. Thus, to understand the possible benefit for organizations to green employees’ behavior in private life, this study aims to examine the possible influence of employees’ environmentally friendly behavior in private life on related environmentally friendlybehavior at work and on green organizational behavior. We surveyed 345 employees in W company. The result shows that environmentally friendly behavior practiced in employees’ private life has significant positive influence on related environmentally friendly behavior at work. And also, employees who practiced environmentally friendly behavior more frequently in private life show higher level of green organizational behavior. These results supportthe idea of green work-life balance that organizations need to take employees’ role in private life into consideration in order to make employees act in a more environmentally friendly way within the organization.