在電子商務愈來越蓬勃的時代,不管是消費者還是企業,都能藉由網路行銷通路,接觸到來自世界各地的人。不過還是有許多消費者對此戒慎恐懼,其中包含了產品不確定性及賣家不確定性的影響。因此,消費者常常藉由閱讀網路產品評論文章,來降低購買過程中的不確定性,以提高購買意願程度。本研究以Habermas 行動溝通理論之有效性宣稱作為文章構面,分別為文章完整性、文章可了解性、文章事實、文章作者真誠性及文章適切性,並利用計畫性行為理論構面,分別為態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制及行為意圖,來理解讀者參考文章資訊的意圖。本研究實證結果發現,文章完整性、文章事實會正向影響讀者對於網路產品評論文章的態度,文章適切性會正向影響主觀規範,文章可了解性會正向影響讀者自我效能,另外,讀者對於網路產品評論文章的態度及主觀規範會正向影響讀者參考文章資訊的意圖。最後,在不同的產品類型(經驗型、搜尋型)方面,對於文章構面及讀者參考資訊之意圖也有不同影響。Recently e-Commerce has become popular in the world , the organization and the consumers could use the powerful marketing channels for reaching the consumers from anyplace .The uncertainty pertinent products and sellers make the consumers reluctant to take part in e-Commerce. Accordingly, the consumer will search the product reviews on web in order that it could reduce the uncertainty and increase purchasing intention. This paper bases on Habermas` theory of communicative action, and we use the validity claims as the product reviews` dimension that it includes completeness 、comprehensibility、truth、sincerity and rightness. We also use the theory of planned behavior it includes attitude、subjective norm、PBC and behavioral intentions for describing the reader`s getting product information intentions.We found that completeness and truth have positive influence reader`s attitude、 rightness has positive influence subject norm、comprehensibility has positive influence reader`s self-efficacy. Moreover , reader`s attitude 、subjective norm and PBC have positive influence reader`s intentions to get product information . In the end , product type(search V.S. experience ) moderates the product reviews` dimension and reader`s intentions to get product information .