晉升對在組織中工作一段時間的員工而言,是代表員工個人在職涯發展成功的指標,且對員工具有激勵效果。但在組織中晉升決策往往取決於主管評估部屬是否有能力及意願完成更高職位的工作,擔負更大規模與範疇的職責。 根據過去探討員工向上流動或職涯發展的研究,多從Turner(1960)的競爭性流動和贊助性流動的觀念進行探討。其認為競爭性流動,指得是員工透過自身的努力,在公平與開放的競爭中脫穎而出,以爭取往組織更高層級發展的機會。而工作績效是個人能力與動機交互作用的結果,則屬於競爭性流動的範疇。相反地,贊助性流動則是透過一些篩選機制,由組織中的菁英來判斷或挑選誰擁有向上發展的資格,並給予他們資源與支持,幫助他們贏得向上晉升的機會。本研究將個人與主管配適做為員工贊助性流動的變數,因為當組織中的菁英(如主管)判斷或挑選誰擁有向上發展的資格時,跟自己越相似或越適配的部屬越有機會被篩選出來向上晉升。 本研究透過問卷調查了台灣與大陸的私人企業,包括金融/保險業、一般製造業、服務業、高科技製造業等共64家,總計回收了219份有效樣本,為避免問卷產生共同方法變異之問題,以兩段不同的時間點透過紙本郵寄、電子問卷以及親手轉交,以配對的方式請主管評核直屬部屬的工作績效以及晉升力評分,而受評部屬方面則是填寫與直屬主管間的契合程度。 結果發現,無論是工作績效或個人與主管適配,皆與主管晉升力評分呈現正向且顯著的影響,其中,工作績效對於主管之晉升力評分的顯著效果最為強烈。 Promotion represents as key indicators of valuing at successful career to employees who work some time in organization. The determinant of promotion often depends on whether supervisors evaluate subordinates to have the ability and willingness to move to a next higher position, or assume a larger scale and scope of responsibilities. As regards the research of employees’ upward mobility or career development, often refer to Contest Mobility and Sponsored Mobility proposed by Tuner (1960). The emphasis of findings in Contest Mobility has focused on the employees’ self-efforts of striving for higher-level job opportunities in a fair and open competition. Job performance is the result that shows an interaction between employee capabilities and motivation, and can be seem as the category of research in Contest Mobility. On contrary, Sponsored Mobility is a measure taken by elites in organization to select employees who have qualifications to obtain resources and support and win the promotion. The analysis used the research fit between supervisor and subordinates as variables of Sponsored Mobility, when the elites of organization (eg supervisors) judge subordinates who are the qualifications for upward development, the more similar or more fit between supervisor and subordinate will have the opportunity to be selected for getting promotion. This study is based on the questionnaire survey of 64 enterprises in China and Taiwan, and the result shows that both job performance and fit between supervisor and subordinate are positive and significant to supervisor promotability ratings.