由過去諸多的研究可發現,組織為做好人才管理,多以員工過去的工作績效,來預測員工未來被晉升的可能性。適應性績效著重個體於動態環境中,不斷調整自身能力的表現;其好壞與否,對晉升力評分應更具預測力。然而在評分過程中,社會脈絡一直被認為具有左右評分結果的影響力;因此,同步考量LMX及時間變項是必要的。 本研究採跨產業樣本蒐集之方式,由台灣71家企業共回收372 份有效問卷;主要以階層迴歸分析探討員工適應性績效對主管晉升力評分的解釋力,同時關注於社會脈絡中的LMX及關係年資對上述關係間存在的調節效果。主效果的分析結果說明,適應性績效與晉升力評分間具有顯著的正向關係。三維交互關係則顯示,LMX及關係年資具負向干擾現象;當LMX品質高時,淺關係年資相較於深關係年資,對適應性績效預測晉升力評分結果具有較明顯的調節效果。 Based on past research, organizations typically manage talent by promoting employees based on their past work performance. Adaptive performance focuses more heavily on one’s ability to self-adjust within a dynamic environment and should better predict promotability ratings. However, social context encompasses a vast number of issues and circumstances that may influence the rating result, therefore LMX and temporal variable has to be considered at the same time. This study collected input from 71 Taiwanese companies from multiple industries, with 372 valid questionnaires were collected. We primarily adopted analysis of hierarchical regression to test the relationship between adaptive performance and promotability ratings. At the same time, LMX and relationship tenure were also taken into consideration. The main effect explains that adaptive performance and promotability ratings have significant and positive relation. In addition, three-way interaction was found, LMX and relationship tenure has negative moderating effect. When LMX is high, short relationship tenure will has stronger moderating effect than long relationship tenure.