於全球化經濟下,全球供應鏈管理已成為從國際化走向全球化的中型企業之當務之急,精準的供應鏈佈局將能為企業奠定良好的全球競爭基礎。本研究以實證分析的方式探討台灣中型製造企業的供應鏈佈局決策路徑、規模及模式。研究結果顯示,供應鏈佈局以企業經營目標為策略始點,接續影響供應佈局規模,最後為供應鏈佈局模式,形成供應鏈佈局三階段。進一步以此模型分析台灣中型製造企業的供應鏈佈局的決策路徑,本研究發現台灣中型製造企業以「長期發展」為經營目標,佈局規模還是集中「大中華佈局」,並且是以台灣為營運總部,於台灣生產再運送至海外市場的模式為主,最後總結決策途徑並針對研究結果進行討論。 In the global economy, the precise supply chain operations play an important role in global competition. Therefore supply chain management becomes the priority task for medium-sized firms to enter international markets. In this empirical research, we analyzed supply chain decision making by modeling supply chain operations in three phases-business objectives, operation scale and operation option. Furthermore we found a significant pattern of medium-sized manufacturing firms in Taiwan by path analysis. Our finding demonstrates that the business objective, operation scale and operation option have sequential relationships. Further analyzing of this relationship in Taiwanese medium-sized manufacturing firms, we concluded that these firms mainly focus on "long-term development" as their primary business objective. In operation scale, the firms usually centralize their operation scale in Greater China and set their headquarters in Taiwan. Finally, our studies concludes that, Taiwanese companies tend to manage their operation option in this way:Produce products in Taiwan and then export to foreign markets.